ESP32 WIFI blynk example on arduino IDE

Hi ,
Using arduino IDE, i tried the ESP32Wifi blynk example and it failed at run time :
The WIFI access point was OFF and i get this message :

Connecting to WAX
E (90) wifi: wifi_init 1253 ret=4363
/Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/freertos/./queue.c:721 (xQueueGenericSend)- assert failed!
abort() was called at PC 0x4008399b
Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic’ed (abort)

Backtrace: 0x40008155:0x3ffcc450 0x40007d16:0x3ffcc470 0x40093c88:0x3ffcc4b0 0x400f382c:0x3ffcc500 0x400ece75:0x3ffcc520 0x400d1d8c:0x3ffcc550 0x400d1d9a:0x3ffcc590 0x400d1e06:0x3ffcc5c0 0x400d1e7f:0x3ffcc5e0 0x400d0ea2:0x3ffcc6e0 0x400d18a3:0x3ffcc710 0x401096ae:0x3ffcc730

CPU halted.

I successfully ran the BLE example on the same board
Any idea ?


have the same problem when i try to write virtual pin on blynk. Runs for one time, then cpu halted…

Did you solved the issues?


Just curiosity…which board are you using? I have theEsp32 from WeMos and at the moment it’s working fine.

I use the esp32 dev from espressif, but i have found my mistake. It lay in the resistor of the led on the gpio pin. I changed the 100Ohm to 220Ohm and now it’s working.