Esp2866 fan speed control

Hi can someone please point me to the right direction I want to control my 240v ceiling fan with a Blynk slider any help is much appreciated

There are lots of tutorials on Youtube. Please search for ESP8266 Dimmer.

Controlling ceiling fans can be a very complex business, depending on the type of fan you have.
The simplest is where tat fan can be controlled via an infrared controller and it’s simply a case of mimicking the IR signals to turn the fan on/off and control the speed.

The most complex are where you have a series of capacitors that control the speed. If these are built in to the actual fan then gaining access and installing additional circuitry to provide the fan speed control is very difficult. Where the circuitry is built in to a wall mounted controller then you have more space to work with, but you still have issues if you want the fan to be controllable both via the app and the existing controls.
Anything other than an IR system probably isn’t a good first project for a novice or anyone that doesn’t have a good background in mains wiring systems.
