ESP.deepSleep on ESP 8266-12 with consumption of 190mA?

Initially that’s what I did. Then I moved on to what is now. The result is the same.

Take a look at the WeMos D1 Mini… its tiny!

I know. I have one. But it’s still too big.

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what battery are you using?

For now I am using an external 3v3 source. The final idea is to use two 1v5 or 18650 3v7 cells if you get a proper box. The box I have right now is this one.

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this is my battery operated ESP8266-12F

In the future I want to develop my project further. I started with the simplest and I want it to work properly. Then I’ll develop it. I intend to use OTA too. How long will your batteries last?

i have 3 different battery brands, and all last different time. but 3-6 weeks with the node operating every 12 minutes…

but so much different to yours, where you are trying to wake up your device with an external input.

Being the purpose to be informed when the door opens or closes I do not need to spend the battery without being for that. It has the inconvenience of needing two reeds but this is tolerant for me.
I’d like to make the batteries last longer than your 3 or 6 weeks. I will see what I can.

So guys?
No ideas?

In addition to power reduction, would adding a small 5v solar panel (outside obviously :wink: ) and a 5v to 18650 charging controller in the box be an option?

why don’t you just switch it on when the door opens, then switch it off when the door closes?

each time it turns on, you get a notification…

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For now the idea is only with batteries

What do you mean, on and off?
That’s exactly the idea.
The idea is:

Deep sleep …open door» reset »transmit» deep sleep … closed door »reset» transmit »deep sleep … open door» reset »transmit» deep sleep … closed door »reset »Transmit» deep sleep …

And so on…

i mean OFF - no voltage.

use this:

to turn the ESP on and off.

remove the siren obviously…

Got it.
And how do you propose to do that with reed and magnetic?
And the question is not this.
I am asking for help from the gurus who know that they are walking around here to see what I am doing wrong and that prevents consumption in deep sleep goes to 10μA as it is supposed to be.

prove you can deep sleep your device.

that is step 1.

remove all code and just get it to deep sleep for 10 seconds, then wake, then sleep then wake.

show serial output.

then for step 2 you can add in the reed switch code, then the blynk code…

While I can’t speak for any deep sleep gurus (whom are probably sleeping :slight_smile: ) I can say that I think you need at least something in your void loop… :wink:

An empty loop just makes for boring hardware… except on boot!