Hi everybody ( this is my first topic in this forum , sorry because this is a question )
I’m now trying to read the data in sim800 module with Intel Edison (arduino breakout) , it needs a RX and a TX . Unfortunately, I supposed that Edison (arduino breakout) is the same as Arduino UNO but it’s not true, I couldn’t use SoftwareSerial.h to simulate RX, TX , Edison doesn’t support it. Can you help me how can I read data through TX, RX with Edison ( In fact , I need 2 modules need to read data) .
I use Windows7 x86 so can you give me a solution with this operating system. Thank you very much
p/s : I’m a newbie and my English grammar is not good, sorry about that
This is a Blynk forum, not really an Arduino Edison forum… We can help you with some Blynk questions, but you might get more answers for Edison hardware questions on the Arduino forum --> http://forum.arduino.cc
Or possibly even better, ask on the Intel Edison Communities page… They should know --> https://communities.intel.com/community/tech/edison
And this might even be helpful --> http://www.instructables.com/id/Intel-Edison-Arduino-serial-to-Host-process-serial/
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thank you a lot