Duplicate Copy of Blynk on iphone 12.1.4 to support cloud and local server

First I think Blynk is great. I have several projects running and 3 more in the queue. My desire at this point is to learn/experience working with a local server (two actually - Raspberry Pi and Windows versions). The ones I currently have I want to keep in the Blynk-Cloud for now - but a couple new ones I want to start playing with on a Local Server.

My Challenge is that I am working with an iPhone and I am a bit stumped as to a viable method to get access to multiple servers. If I have read everything correctly - an instance of Blynk App can only be tied to a single server and any/all projects created under that app are tied to that server via their authorization code.

So this would require having multiple instances of the Blynk App with each linked to a desired server (cloud or local). And the projects under that instance would be tied to that server.

This is my current understanding. So I have been in search of a method to get 2 or more copies of the Blynk App on my iPhone - and to date - none have been successful. All of the cloning programs seem to be social media focused - and jailbreaking seems very hit-and-miss especially with there latest iOS versions.

There is potential of modifying the BundleIdentifier - but most procedures seem to be Mac centric (i am a windows guy). And seems it needs an IPA version of the App - and that is getting beyond my knowledge base.

So asking if anyone has a workable solution / procedure. And “no” i dont want to move to an Android - my entire family is iphone-facebook centered :slight_smile:


At the time of this post, the rest of us are doing it the same way you are.

Login to the server where that project is and work with it, then logout/login to another server.

Hijack one of the other family devices and have that iPhone/iPad logged into one account and your iPhone logged in to the other.

The alternative is as @lvennard says is to keep logging out of one and in to the other - not forgetting to change your custom server settings along the way.
