DS18B20 value -127º, but only when connecting to Blynk, on ESP32

It’s true … it can be that too.
I have not updated the esp-32 yet.
I’ll study how to do this.

This is the update link for Windows: https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/blob/master/docs/arduino-ide/windows.md#how-to-update-to-the-latest-code

this I already did yes … I thought you were talking about upgrading the esp-32 hardware.

Did you do it in the last few days to include xtensa-esp32-elf-win32-1.22.0-73-ge28a011-5.2.0.zip ?

@psoro do you have this zip update?

Just trying to ensure we all have the same then we know the problem is specific to @thiagopai

Not yet! I’ll have a look ASAP…:sweat_smile:
I’ll let you know

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The upgrading I was refering to is technically the firmware on the hardware (as far as I know)… the only real way to upgrade the actual hardware is to toss out the old and buy a new one (and hope it has the newer chipset) :wink:

@Costas, updated!

From time to time (1 every 50 readings approx.) 1 extra -127.00 is displayed in the serial.


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@thiagopai do you have your compiler set for verbose output (in Preferences)?

Have you previously used the IDE to compile ESP8266 sketches before compiling for ESP32?

Below are the library versions that come up from the sketch provided by @psoro

Using library WiFi at version 1.0 in folder: C:\........................
Using library Blynk at version 0.4.8 in folder: C:\..............................
Using library OneWire at version 2.3.3 in folder: C:\.......................
Using library DallasTemperature at version 3.7.6 in folder: C:\......................
Using library Time at version 1.5 in folder: C:\.............................

I have removed the directory structure as that would just add to the confusion.

The OneWire library I am using is for ESP8266 (not Arduino and not ESP32) and it does give this compiler warning:

#warning "OneWire. Fallback mode. Using API calls for pinMode,digitalRead and digitalWrite. Operation of this library is not guaranteed on this architecture."

@psoro and @thiagopai which version of OneWire are you using and do you see this compiler warning when set at verbose output?

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Did you ever see -127.00 with the old library once the DS18B20 had obtained it’s first real reading?

2.3.2… updated to 2.3.3 and testing…

This is the first time…
I’ve got other two DS18B20 working 24/7, my code checks if the temperature goes to -127.00 and send Notification and stops the machine…At the moment everything is up and running with them… The MCUs are the ESP8266, not ESP32

Do you get the compiler warning?


@psoro have you changed the default settings in the compiler to show verbose output and you are compiling for WEMOS LOLIN32, right?

Yep, there’s no warning:

Se encontraron múltiples librerías para "WiFi.h"
Usado: C:\Users\Pepe\Documents\Arduino\hardware\espressif\esp32\libraries\WiFi
 No usado: C:\Users\Pepe\Desktop\Arduino\arduino-1.8.4\libraries\WiFi
Usando librería WiFi con versión 1.0 en la carpeta: C:\.......................
Usando librería Blynk con versión 0.4.8 en la carpeta: C:\......................
Usando librería OneWire con versión 2.3.3 en la carpeta: C:\.........................
Usando librería DallasTemperature con versión 3.7.7 en la carpeta: C:\.................
Usando librería Time con versión 1.5 en la carpeta: C:\........................
El Sketch usa 484455 bytes (36%) del espacio de almacenamiento de programa. El máximo es 1310720 bytes.
Las variables Globales usan 37872 bytes (12%) de la memoria dinámica, dejando 257040 bytes para las variables locales. El máximo es 294912 bytes.

The library “WiFi.h” used is the one from espressif, not Arduino.

And is your OneWire Arduino, ESP8266 or a special ESP32?


Usando librería OneWire con versión 2.3.3 en la carpeta: C:\Users\Pepe\Documents\Arduino\libraries\OneWire 

the hardware update I referred to is the esp32 firmware update that I did not do.

I did not understand the question, I’m still a beginner in that area.

I used the same ARDUINO IDE to compile the NODEMCU code (esp8266) that worked fine and to compile the ESP32 code that I am having this problem.