Does Blynk work with Heltec LoRa WiFi Kit?


Not sure if this is the right category but I wonder if Blynk works on this board:

(Heltec ESP32 SX1278 LoRa Bluetooth WIFI Kit 0.96 Inch OLED)

Thanks in advance for the help!

I don’t know the answer to your question, but I can see some potential issues.
I assume that you’re thinking of using two of these devices to give you control over something that’s out of Wi-Fi range - maybe like a garage door opener?

The problem that I can see is the device that’s in your house - the one within Wi-Fi range, will be expected to communicate with the remote device via LoRa and with the Blynk server via your Wi-Fi network. Managing these two communication protocols at the same time, without causing dropouts with Blynk could be a problem.

It has an ESP32 onboard, which is multithreaded, but I’d doubt that any ESP32 libraries currently allow you to do simultaneous Wi-Fi and LoRA communication with parallel tasking.

Using the HTTP API might be an option to avoid issues with Blynk disconnects, or you might be able to suspend (stop) the Blynk run process to do your LoRa communications then restart it again, depending on exactly what it is you’re trying to control.

I’d be interested to hear from anyone who has tried this hardware with Blynk.


I don’t see any problems with this, especially with ESP32.

Not specific Blynk issue, but watch this video before purchasing… you may need to get a proper antenna for that board.

As for theLoRa Blynk integration… as stated, it might be possible due the ESP32 capabilities, however YOU will most likely be the one breaking the ground there, and not likely to find any “code” or tutorials here for awhile… So be prepared to learn!! :stuck_out_tongue:


The esp32 can be used as a gateway, I’m trying to do just that, using blynk, but I still have not succeeded. I have based on the videos of Fernando K. from the channel below, he uses a gateway, but sends the information to IBM Watson mqtt. If you have any developments or information on how to do it, please share.