Digital output oscillation on/off


I’ve made a project with esp8266 (Wemos D1 mini) and Blynk Interface to read a water boiler temperature and control 2 electro valve, one for closing one water circuit and second to open another water circuit.
I need some help, if I read the temperature and set a valve to be closed when temperature is above 40 degree, the command for valve is oscillating on/off because the value of temperature is oscillating around 40 degree.
There is a any possibility to remove the output oscillation because temperature value is oscillate ? From coding ?

The solution is called hysteresis and it involves de-sensitising the system by waiting until the measured temperature is slightly above or below the target before changing the state of the relay.
If you search the forum for hysteresis you’ll find some examples of how it is used.


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Thanks a lot Pete.
Every time I receive help.

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