Details of RTC Widget

I would like to know how RTC is synchronized with the server time? is it getting the time only one at RTC.begin(), is it every second or every time I call now() ?
is this code OK (in terms of loading the server, as second() is called in the loop)?
void loop()
{; // All the Blynk Magic happens here…
sec = second();
if(sec1 != sec)
sec1 = sec;

// You can inject your own code or combine it with other sketches.
// Check other examples on how to communicate with Blynk. Remember
// to avoid delay() function!


RTC will synchronize every time when you call.
try RTC example

Every time I call which function? I have it working, I just don’t know how if it loads the server.

From memory it syncs the time every 5 minutes and you will see it in Serial Monitor if you have it connected.

In the interim your hardware (ESP, Arduino, Pi etc) keeps the correct time.

I assume your are aware that now() is the number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970. Is that really what you want to send to V0?

Of course, this is just an example code, I would like to know if such code wll send too many time requests to the server.
If every 5 minuts, then this should be OK.

Yes, Its can request every 1sec its works smoothly.

Yes you are correct. I checked. It is synchronising every 5 minutes.
So this is OK to run 1 Sec interval tasks without a timer.
An even better way might be in some cases to do init sec1 = now(); in setup and then:

void loop () {
if(sec1 != now())