Count door opening + elapsed time opened sum each day

To add-in a counter for the accumulated time in seconds that the door has been open during the day, I’d make these changes as well as those listed above…

timer.setInterval(1000L, read_button); // This timer in vopid setup needs to run once per second for the seconds counter to work

long int elapsed_time_secs;

void read_button() 
bool currentState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);
  if (currentState)
    // we get here if the door is open
    elapsed_time_secs ++; // add 1 to the total number of seconds that the door has been open
    Serial.print("Door has been open for = ");
    Serial.println(" seconds");    
    //Blynk.virtualWrite(??, elapsed_time_secs); // choose a virtual pin for this
    // If you wanted an indicator of the door's current state (LED widget maybe)
    // you could do a Blynk.virtualWrite(vPin,1) in here
    if(prestate == 0)
      // we get here if the door is open, but 1 second ago it was closed
      counter++; // add 1 to the total number of times that the door has been opened
      Serial.print("Door has been opened = ");
      Serial.println(" times");
      Blynk.virtualWrite(4, counter);
      prestate = 1;
    // we get here if the door is closed
    prestate = 0;

    // If youre adding the current state indicator LED then you'd need a
    // Blynk.virtualWrite(vPin,0) in here.

It’s not clear how you are resetting your door opening counter to zero at 10pm, but you’d also need to do the same for the elapsed_time_secs as well.

In the comments I’ve suggested a widget (an LED maybe) that shows you the current state of the door. If this is something you’d find useful then its easy to implement.
