Connecting to

Hi, since 16th march the same issue with SSL connection (…Connecting to…),
with non-SSL connection another new issue (…Connecting to…Login timeout…).

The SSL issue isn’t going to be fixed - ever - according to this…

With the non-SSL connection, have you tried specifying port 8080 instead of allowing the library to default to port 80?


How to connect without ssl. I have raspberry pi 3 b

Like this, I guess…


1 Like

Thanks, I tried it now, unfortunately even with non-SSL connection and port 8080 specified, still no connection is possible for my devices.

//#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266_SSL.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

Ok … today, after some further changes and tests it works now.
Connection is possible again, no timeout errors any more.
Just changing the library to the non-SSL version AND switching off a router option for filtering indexed websites that are harmful to minors (“BPjM-Modul”) (this option was no problem with SSL lib before), was the solution for me.

//#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266_SSL.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

Can you please help me to set up the raspberry pi. This suggestion does not work for me.

I have no idea I’m afraid, I never use an RPI as a Blynk client.
Maybe a question for @mukeshsundaram who posted the solution that I signposted you to.


@mat_pav TBH, I have just played with the javascript version of the blynk client on the RPi. My first stumble was the SSL problem that @PeteKnight has been answering about regularly. I modded the blynk.js to use a non-SSL connection to get it working. Are you using blynk-client (whose first line is “#!/usr/bin/env node”)?

My blynk.js
I edited the line 308 but didnt do nothing. When runing the script the conection was stil SSL

/* Copyright (c) 2015 Volodymyr Shymanskyy. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. */

'use strict';

var C = {

 * Helpers
function string_of_enum(e,value) 
  for (var k in e) if (e[k] == value) return k;
  return "Unknown(" + value + ")";

function isEspruino() {
  if (typeof process === 'undefined') return false;
  if (typeof process.env.BOARD === 'undefined') return false;
  return true;

function isNode() {
  return !isEspruino() && (typeof module !== 'undefined' && ('exports' in module));

function isBrowser() {
  return (typeof window !== 'undefined');

function needsEmitter() {
  return isNode();

function blynkHeader(msg_type, msg_id, msg_len) {
  return String.fromCharCode(
    msg_id  >> 8, msg_id  & 0xFF,
    msg_len >> 8, msg_len & 0xFF

var MsgType = {
  RSP           :  0,
  REGISTER      :  1, //"mail pass"
  LOGIN         :  2, //"token" or "mail pass"
  SAVE_PROF     :  3,
  LOAD_PROF     :  4,
  GET_TOKEN     :  5,
  PING          :  6,
  ACTIVATE      :  7, //"DASH_ID"
  DEACTIVATE    :  8, //
  REFRESH       :  9, //"refreshToken DASH_ID"
  TWEET         :  12,
  EMAIL         :  13,
  NOTIFY        :  14,
  BRIDGE        :  15,
  HW_SYNC       :  16,
  INTERNAL      :  17,
  SMS           :  18,
  PROPERTY      :  19,
  HW            :  20,

  REDIRECT      :  41,
  DEBUG_PRINT   :  55,

  EVENT_LOG     :  64,

var MsgStatus = {
  OK                    :  200,
  ILLEGAL_COMMAND       :  2,
  INVALID_TOKEN         :  9

var BlynkState = {
  CONNECTING    :  1,
  CONNECTED     :  2,

if (isBrowser()) {
  var bl_browser = require('./blynk-browser.js');
  var events = require('events');
  var util = require('util');
} else if (isNode()) {
  var bl_node = require('./blynk-node.js');
  var events = require('events');
  var util = require('util');

 * Serial
if (isEspruino()) {

  var EspruinoSerial = function(options) {
    var self = this;

    var options = options || {};
    self.ser  = options.serial || USB;
    self.conser = options.conser || Serial1;
    self.baud = options.baud || 9600;

    this.write = function(data) {

    this.connect = function(done) {
      self.ser.on('data', function(data) {
        self.emit('data', data);
      if (self.conser) {

    this.disconnect = function() {

  var EspruinoTCP = function(options) {
    var self = this;

    var options = options || {};
    self.addr = options.addr || "";
    self.port = options.port || 80;

    var net = require('net');

    this.write = function(data) {
      if (self.sock) {
        self.sock.write(data, 'binary');

    this.connect = function(done) {
      if (self.sock) {
      console.log("Connecting to TCP:", self.addr, self.port);
      self.sock = net.connect({host : self.addr, port: self.port}, function() {
        self.sock.on('data', function(data) {
          self.emit('data', data);
        self.sock.on('end', function() {
          self.emit('end', '');

    this.disconnect = function() {
      if (self.sock) {
        self.sock = null;

  var BoardEspruinoPico = function(values) {
    var self = this;
    this.init = function(blynk) {
      self.blynk = blynk;
    this.process = function(values) {
      switch(values[0]) {
        case 'pm':
          // TODO
        case 'dw':
          var pin = Pin(values[1]);
          var val = parseInt(values[2]);
          pinMode(pin, 'output');
          digitalWrite(pin, val);
        case 'dr':
          var pin = Pin(values[1]);
          self.blynk.sendMsg(MsgType.HW, ['dw', values[1], digitalRead(pin)]);
        case 'aw':
          var pin = Pin(values[1]);
          var val = parseFloat(values[2]);
          pinMode(pin, 'output');
          analogWrite(pin, val / 255);
        case 'ar':
          var pin = Pin(values[1]);
          self.blynk.sendMsg(MsgType.HW, ['aw', values[1], 4095 * analogRead(pin)]);
          return null;
      return true;

  var BoardEspruinoLinux = function(values) {
    var self = this;
    this.init = function(blynk) {
      self.blynk = blynk;
    this.process = function(values) {
      switch(values[0]) {
        case 'pm':
          // TODO
        case 'dw':
          var pin = Pin('D' + values[1]);
          var val = parseInt(values[2]);
          pinMode(pin, 'output');
          digitalWrite(pin, val);
        case 'dr':
          var pin = Pin('D' + values[1]);
          self.blynk.sendMsg(MsgType.HW, ['dw', values[1], digitalRead(pin)]);
        case 'aw':
        case 'ar':
          return null;
      return true;

 * Boards

var BoardDummy = function() {
  this.init = function(blynk) {};
  this.process = function(values) {
    switch (values[0]) {
    case 'pm':
      return true;
    case 'dw':
    case 'dr':
    case 'aw':
    case 'ar':
      console.log("No direct pin operations available.");
      console.log("Maybe you need to install mraa or onoff modules?");
      return true;

 * Blynk

var Blynk = function(auth, options) {
  var self = this;
  if (needsEmitter()) {;

  this.auth = auth;
  var options = options || {};
  this.heartbeat = options.heartbeat || (10*1000);

    ___  __          __\n\
   / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__\n\
  / _  / / // / _ \\/  '_/\n\
 /____/_/\\_, /_//_/_/\\_\\\n\
  Give Blynk a Github star! =>\n\

  // Auto-detect board
  if (options.board) {
    this.board = options.board;
  } else if (isEspruino()) {
    this.board = new BoardEspruinoPico();
  } else if (isBrowser()) {
    this.board = new BoardDummy();
  } else {
      try {
        self.board = new b();
        return true;
      catch (e) {
        return false;

  // Auto-detect connector
  if (options.connector) {
    this.conn = options.connector;
  } else if (isEspruino()) {
    this.conn = new EspruinoTCP(options);
  } else if (isBrowser()) {
    this.conn = new bl_browser.WsClient(options);
  } else {
    this.conn = new bl_node.SslClient(options);

  this.buff_in = '';
  this.msg_id = 1;
  this.vpins = [];
  this.profile = options.profile;

  this.VirtualPin = function(vPin) {
    if (needsEmitter()) {;
    } = vPin;
    self.vpins[vPin] = this;

    this.write = function(value) {
      self.virtualWrite(, value);

  this.WidgetBridge = function(vPin) { = vPin;

    this.setAuthToken = function(token) {
      self.sendMsg(MsgType.BRIDGE, [, 'i', token]);
    this.digitalWrite = function(pin, val) {
      self.sendMsg(MsgType.BRIDGE, [, 'dw', pin, val]);
    this.analogWrite = function(pin, val) {
      self.sendMsg(MsgType.BRIDGE, [, 'aw', pin, val]);
    this.virtualWrite = function(pin, val) {
      self.sendMsg(MsgType.BRIDGE, [, 'vw', pin].concat(val));

  this.WidgetTerminal = function(vPin) {
    if (needsEmitter()) {;
    } = vPin;
    self.vpins[vPin] = this;

    this.write = function(data) {
      self.virtualWrite(, data);

  this.WidgetLCD = function(vPin) { = vPin;

    this.clear = function() {
      self.virtualWrite(, 'clr');
    this.print = function(x, y, val) {
      self.sendMsg(MsgType.HW, ['vw',, 'p', x, y, val]);

  this.WidgetLED = function(vPin) { = vPin;

    this.setValue = function(val) {
      self.virtualWrite(, val);
    this.turnOn = function() {
      self.virtualWrite(, 255);
    this.turnOff = function() {
      self.virtualWrite(, 0);

  if (needsEmitter()) {
    util.inherits(this.VirtualPin, events.EventEmitter);
    util.inherits(this.WidgetBridge, events.EventEmitter);
    util.inherits(this.WidgetTerminal, events.EventEmitter);

  if (!options.skip_connect) {

if (needsEmitter()) {
  util.inherits(Blynk, events.EventEmitter);

Blynk.prototype.onReceive = function(data) {
  var self = this;
  self.buff_in += data;
  while (self.buff_in.length >= 5) {
    var msg_type = self.buff_in.charCodeAt(0);
    var msg_id   = self.buff_in.charCodeAt(1) << 8 | self.buff_in.charCodeAt(2);
    var msg_len  = self.buff_in.charCodeAt(3) << 8 | self.buff_in.charCodeAt(4);

    if (msg_id === 0)  { return self.disconnect(); }

    if (msg_type === MsgType.RSP) {
      //console.log('> ', string_of_enum(MsgType, msg_type), msg_id, string_of_enum(MsgStatus, msg_len));
      if (!self.profile) {
        if (self.timerConn && msg_id === 1) {
          if (msg_len === MsgStatus.OK || msg_len === MsgStatus.ALREADY_REGISTERED) {
            self.timerConn = null;
            self.timerHb = setInterval(function() {
            }, self.heartbeat);
            self.sendMsg(MsgType.INTERNAL, ['ver', '0.5.3', 'buff-in', 4096, 'dev', 'js']);
          } else {
            console.log('Could not login:', string_of_enum(MsgStatus, msg_len));
            //if invalid token, no point in trying to reconnect
            if (msg_len === MsgStatus.INVALID_TOKEN) {
              //letting main app know why we failed
              self.emit('error', string_of_enum(MsgStatus, msg_len));
              //console.log('Disconnecting because of invalid token');
              if(self.timerConn) {
                //clear connecting timer
                console.log('clear conn timer');
                self.timerConn = null;
      self.buff_in = self.buff_in.substr(5);

    if (msg_len > 4096)  { return self.disconnect(); }
    if (self.buff_in.length < msg_len+5) {
    var values = self.buff_in.substr(5, msg_len).split('\0');
    self.buff_in = self.buff_in.substr(msg_len+5);

    /*if (msg_len) {
      console.log('> ', string_of_enum(MsgType, msg_type), msg_id, msg_len, values.join('|'));
    } else {
      console.log('> ', string_of_enum(MsgType, msg_type), msg_id, msg_len);

    if (msg_type === MsgType.LOGIN ||
        msg_type === MsgType.PING)
      self.sendRsp(MsgType.RSP, msg_id, MsgStatus.OK);
    } else if (msg_type === MsgType.GET_TOKEN) {
      self.sendRsp(MsgType.GET_TOKEN, msg_id, self.auth.length, self.auth);
    } else if (msg_type === MsgType.LOAD_PROF) {
      self.sendRsp(MsgType.LOAD_PROF, msg_id, self.profile.length, self.profile);
    } else if (msg_type === MsgType.HW ||
               msg_type === MsgType.BRIDGE)
      if (values[0] === 'vw') {
        var pin = parseInt(values[1]);
        if (self.vpins[pin]) {
          self.vpins[pin].emit('write', values.slice(2));
      } else if (values[0] === 'vr') {
        var pin = parseInt(values[1]);
        if (self.vpins[pin]) {
      } else if (self.board.process(values)) {

      } else {
        console.log('Invalid cmd: ', values[0]);
        //self.sendRsp(MsgType.RSP, msg_id, MsgStatus.ILLEGAL_COMMAND);
    } else if (msg_type === MsgType.REDIRECT) {
      self.conn.addr = values[0];
      if (values[1]) {
        self.conn.port = parseInt(values[1]);
      console.log('Redirecting to ', self.conn.addr, ':', self.conn.port);
    } else if (msg_type === MsgType.DEBUG_PRINT) {
      console.log('Server: ', values[0]);
    } else if (msg_type === MsgType.REGISTER ||
               msg_type === MsgType.SAVE_PROF ||
               msg_type === MsgType.INTERNAL ||
               msg_type === MsgType.ACTIVATE ||
               msg_type === MsgType.DEACTIVATE ||
               msg_type === MsgType.REFRESH)
      // these make no sense...
    } else {
      console.log('Invalid msg type: ', msg_type);
      self.sendRsp(MsgType.RSP, msg_id, MsgStatus.ILLEGAL_COMMAND);
  } // end while

Blynk.prototype.sendRsp = function(msg_type, msg_id, msg_len, data) {
  var self = this;
  data = data || "";
  msg_id = msg_id || (self.msg_id++);
  if (msg_type == MsgType.RSP) {
    //console.log('< ', string_of_enum(MsgType, msg_type), msg_id, string_of_enum(MsgStatus, msg_len));
    data = blynkHeader(msg_type, msg_id, msg_len)
  } else {
    /*if (msg_len) {
      console.log('< ', string_of_enum(MsgType, msg_type), msg_id, msg_len, data.split('\0').join('|'));
    } else {
      console.log('< ', string_of_enum(MsgType, msg_type), msg_id, msg_len);
    data = blynkHeader(msg_type, msg_id, msg_len) + data;


  // TODO: track also recieving time
  /*if (!self.profile) {
    if (self.timerHb) {
      self.timerHb = setInterval(function(){
      }, self.heartbeat);

Blynk.prototype.sendMsg = function(msg_type, values, msg_id) {
  if (this.timerHb) {
    var values = values || [''];
    var data = values.join('\0');
    this.sendRsp(msg_type, msg_id, data.length, data);

  * API

Blynk.prototype.connect = function() {
  var self = this;

  var doConnect = function() {
    if(self.conn) {
      //cleanup events
    self.conn.connect(function() {
      self.conn.on('data', function(data) { self.onReceive(data);     });
      self.conn.on('end',  function()     { self.end();               });

      self.sendRsp(MsgType.LOGIN, 1, self.auth.length, self.auth);
    self.conn.on('error', function(err) { self.error(err);            });

  if (self.profile) {
  } else {
    self.timerConn = setInterval(doConnect, 10000);

Blynk.prototype.disconnect = function(reconnect) {
  console.log('Disconnect blynk');
  if(typeof reconnect === 'undefined' ) {
    reconnect = true;

  var self = this;
  if (this.timerHb) {
    this.timerHb = null;
  //cleanup to avoid multiplying listeners

  //starting reconnect procedure if not already in connecting loop and reconnect is true
  if(reconnect && !self.timerConn) {
    console.log("REARMING DISCONNECT");
    setTimeout(function () {self.connect()}, 5000);

Blynk.prototype.error = function(err) {
  var self = this;
  //if we throw error and user doesn't handle it, app crashes. is it worth it?
  this.emit('error', err.code?err.code:'ERROR');
  console.error('Error', err.code);
  //starting reconnect procedure if not already in connecting loop
  if(!self.timerConn) {
    setTimeout(function () {self.connect()}, 5000);

Blynk.prototype.end = function() {
  var self = this;

Blynk.prototype.virtualWrite = function(pin, val) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.HW, ['vw', pin].concat(val));

Blynk.prototype.setProperty = function(pin, prop, val) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.PROPERTY, [pin, prop].concat(val));

Blynk.prototype.eventLog = function(name, descr) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.EVENT_LOG, [name].concat(descr));

Blynk.prototype.syncAll = function() {

Blynk.prototype.syncVirtual = function(pin) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.HW_SYNC, ['vr', pin]);
}; = function(to, topic, message) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.EMAIL, [to, topic, message]);

Blynk.prototype.notify = function(message) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.NOTIFY, [message]);

Blynk.prototype.tweet = function(message) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.TWEET, [message]);

Blynk.prototype.sms = function(message) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.SMS, [message]);

if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && ('exports' in module)) {
  exports.Blynk = Blynk;

  if (isEspruino()) {
    exports.EspruinoSerial = EspruinoSerial;
    exports.EspruinoTCP = EspruinoTCP;
    exports.BoardLinux = BoardEspruinoLinux;
    exports.BoardPico  = BoardEspruinoPico;
  } else if (isBrowser()) {
    exports.WsClient = bl_browser.WsClient;
  } else if (isNode()) {
    exports.TcpClient = bl_node.TcpClient;
    exports.TcpServer = bl_node.TcpServer;
    exports.SslClient = bl_node.SslClient;
    exports.SslServer = bl_node.SslServer;
    exports.BoardOnOff = bl_node.BoardOnOff;
    exports.BoardMRAA = bl_node.BoardMRAA;

Line 312 if your file says this:

this.conn = new bl_node.SslClient(options);

that is the line you should have edited.


Yes, The edited line was 312 but it does nothing. The connection is still made on SSL port 443. I also tried to force the port 80 but then i get an error.

    ___  __          __
   / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__
  / _  / / // / _ \/  '_/
 /____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\

  Give Blynk a Github star! =>

OnOff mode
Connecting to: 8080
SSL authorization...
    throw err; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error [ERR_UNHANDLED_ERROR]: Unhandled error. ('ECONNRESET')
    at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:329:5)
    at Blynk.emit (node:events:358:17)
    at Blynk.error (/home/pi/projekti/node_modules/blynk-library/blynk.js:649:8)
    at exports.SslClient.<anonymous> (/home/pi/projekti/node_modules/blynk-library/blynk.js:612:48)
    at exports.SslClient.emit (node:events:369:20)
    at TLSSocket.<anonymous> (/home/pi/projekti/node_modules/blynk-library/blynk-node.js:223:16)
    at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:369:20)
    at emitErrorNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:188:8)
    at emitErrorCloseNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:153:3)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:81:21) {
  context: 'ECONNRESET'

So the file that you posted was the inedited (original) version, rather than the one that you’d edited and were still having issues with?

I don’t see the point in doing that.


@mat_pav, can you post your own code file that contains the auth code you obtained from blynk phone app?

This was my default before when the SSL was working.

//existing code
var Blynk = require('blynk-library');
var Gpio = require('onoff').Gpio;
var AUTH = 'xxx';
var blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(AUTH);

I also tried like you suggested but with no luck.

#!/usr/bin/env node

var Blynk = require('blynk-library');
var Gpio = require('onoff').Gpio;
var AUTH = 'xxx';
var blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(AUTH);

Ok. So, try this:
var blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(AUTH, options = {
connector : new Blynk.TcpClient()

That will force non-SSL in the library.

IDK why the library change to use TcpClient is not working for you. I’m using an RPI 2b and I’ve gone thru 4 scenarios, using original blynk.js (1) and blynk.js-with-mod (2) as shown by @PeteKnight, and my code using blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(AUTH) (a) and blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(AUTH, options = … }) (b) as shown above. My results are:
(1) + (a) uses SSL: fails
(1) + (b) uses TCP: success (
(2) + (a) uses TCP: success
(2) + (b) uses TCP: success

Thank you. Now its working without modding the blynk.js file in the library.

Hi, I know this is old, but if you happen to get this, where do you put this code,
var blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(AUTH, options = {
connector : new Blynk.TcpClient()
to fix the problem? I know I need to post a new thread, but this is driving me nuts, and I’ve read so many posts about the same problem - but none of them clearly explain the fix. Thanks!

My guess is that you are using C++ rather than NodeJs, otherwise the proceeding posts would have been self-explanatory. is the server for Legacy Blynk. If you’re using new Blynk IoT then the server should be

Yes, that’s a good idea, then we aren’t guessing about what hardware, library and version of Blynk you are using.
