Connecting to

No I didnt. As I read here Blynk has outdated SSL certificates so I will just wait till they get renewed. Even though I dont think anyone cares about me prersonally I wont connect without SSL. Its still my home alarm system.

Blynk’s response was that they are currently too busy working on the closed beta launch of the new version of Blynk to deal with renewing the certificates.
The launch is scheduled for next Tuesday afternoon, so I’m guessing that the certificate issue may not get fixed until some point after that date.


Hi, since 16th march the same issue with SSL connection (…Connecting to…),
with non-SSL connection another new issue (…Connecting to…Login timeout…).

The SSL issue isn’t going to be fixed - ever - according to this…

With the non-SSL connection, have you tried specifying port 8080 instead of allowing the library to default to port 80?


How to connect without ssl. I have raspberry pi 3 b

Like this, I guess…


1 Like

Thanks, I tried it now, unfortunately even with non-SSL connection and port 8080 specified, still no connection is possible for my devices.

//#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266_SSL.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

Ok … today, after some further changes and tests it works now.
Connection is possible again, no timeout errors any more.
Just changing the library to the non-SSL version AND switching off a router option for filtering indexed websites that are harmful to minors (“BPjM-Modul”) (this option was no problem with SSL lib before), was the solution for me.

//#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266_SSL.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

Can you please help me to set up the raspberry pi. This suggestion does not work for me.

I have no idea I’m afraid, I never use an RPI as a Blynk client.
Maybe a question for @mukeshsundaram who posted the solution that I signposted you to.


@mat_pav TBH, I have just played with the javascript version of the blynk client on the RPi. My first stumble was the SSL problem that @PeteKnight has been answering about regularly. I modded the blynk.js to use a non-SSL connection to get it working. Are you using blynk-client (whose first line is “#!/usr/bin/env node”)?

My blynk.js
I edited the line 308 but didnt do nothing. When runing the script the conection was stil SSL

/* Copyright (c) 2015 Volodymyr Shymanskyy. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. */

'use strict';

var C = {

 * Helpers
function string_of_enum(e,value) 
  for (var k in e) if (e[k] == value) return k;
  return "Unknown(" + value + ")";

function isEspruino() {
  if (typeof process === 'undefined') return false;
  if (typeof process.env.BOARD === 'undefined') return false;
  return true;

function isNode() {
  return !isEspruino() && (typeof module !== 'undefined' && ('exports' in module));

function isBrowser() {
  return (typeof window !== 'undefined');

function needsEmitter() {
  return isNode();

function blynkHeader(msg_type, msg_id, msg_len) {
  return String.fromCharCode(
    msg_id  >> 8, msg_id  & 0xFF,
    msg_len >> 8, msg_len & 0xFF

var MsgType = {
  RSP           :  0,
  REGISTER      :  1, //"mail pass"
  LOGIN         :  2, //"token" or "mail pass"
  SAVE_PROF     :  3,
  LOAD_PROF     :  4,
  GET_TOKEN     :  5,
  PING          :  6,
  ACTIVATE      :  7, //"DASH_ID"
  DEACTIVATE    :  8, //
  REFRESH       :  9, //"refreshToken DASH_ID"
  TWEET         :  12,
  EMAIL         :  13,
  NOTIFY        :  14,
  BRIDGE        :  15,
  HW_SYNC       :  16,
  INTERNAL      :  17,
  SMS           :  18,
  PROPERTY      :  19,
  HW            :  20,

  REDIRECT      :  41,
  DEBUG_PRINT   :  55,

  EVENT_LOG     :  64,

var MsgStatus = {
  OK                    :  200,
  ILLEGAL_COMMAND       :  2,
  INVALID_TOKEN         :  9

var BlynkState = {
  CONNECTING    :  1,
  CONNECTED     :  2,

if (isBrowser()) {
  var bl_browser = require('./blynk-browser.js');
  var events = require('events');
  var util = require('util');
} else if (isNode()) {
  var bl_node = require('./blynk-node.js');
  var events = require('events');
  var util = require('util');

 * Serial
if (isEspruino()) {

  var EspruinoSerial = function(options) {
    var self = this;

    var options = options || {};
    self.ser  = options.serial || USB;
    self.conser = options.conser || Serial1;
    self.baud = options.baud || 9600;

    this.write = function(data) {

    this.connect = function(done) {
      self.ser.on('data', function(data) {
        self.emit('data', data);
      if (self.conser) {

    this.disconnect = function() {

  var EspruinoTCP = function(options) {
    var self = this;

    var options = options || {};
    self.addr = options.addr || "";
    self.port = options.port || 80;

    var net = require('net');

    this.write = function(data) {
      if (self.sock) {
        self.sock.write(data, 'binary');

    this.connect = function(done) {
      if (self.sock) {
      console.log("Connecting to TCP:", self.addr, self.port);
      self.sock = net.connect({host : self.addr, port: self.port}, function() {
        self.sock.on('data', function(data) {
          self.emit('data', data);
        self.sock.on('end', function() {
          self.emit('end', '');

    this.disconnect = function() {
      if (self.sock) {
        self.sock = null;

  var BoardEspruinoPico = function(values) {
    var self = this;
    this.init = function(blynk) {
      self.blynk = blynk;
    this.process = function(values) {
      switch(values[0]) {
        case 'pm':
          // TODO
        case 'dw':
          var pin = Pin(values[1]);
          var val = parseInt(values[2]);
          pinMode(pin, 'output');
          digitalWrite(pin, val);
        case 'dr':
          var pin = Pin(values[1]);
          self.blynk.sendMsg(MsgType.HW, ['dw', values[1], digitalRead(pin)]);
        case 'aw':
          var pin = Pin(values[1]);
          var val = parseFloat(values[2]);
          pinMode(pin, 'output');
          analogWrite(pin, val / 255);
        case 'ar':
          var pin = Pin(values[1]);
          self.blynk.sendMsg(MsgType.HW, ['aw', values[1], 4095 * analogRead(pin)]);
          return null;
      return true;

  var BoardEspruinoLinux = function(values) {
    var self = this;
    this.init = function(blynk) {
      self.blynk = blynk;
    this.process = function(values) {
      switch(values[0]) {
        case 'pm':
          // TODO
        case 'dw':
          var pin = Pin('D' + values[1]);
          var val = parseInt(values[2]);
          pinMode(pin, 'output');
          digitalWrite(pin, val);
        case 'dr':
          var pin = Pin('D' + values[1]);
          self.blynk.sendMsg(MsgType.HW, ['dw', values[1], digitalRead(pin)]);
        case 'aw':
        case 'ar':
          return null;
      return true;

 * Boards

var BoardDummy = function() {
  this.init = function(blynk) {};
  this.process = function(values) {
    switch (values[0]) {
    case 'pm':
      return true;
    case 'dw':
    case 'dr':
    case 'aw':
    case 'ar':
      console.log("No direct pin operations available.");
      console.log("Maybe you need to install mraa or onoff modules?");
      return true;

 * Blynk

var Blynk = function(auth, options) {
  var self = this;
  if (needsEmitter()) {;

  this.auth = auth;
  var options = options || {};
  this.heartbeat = options.heartbeat || (10*1000);

    ___  __          __\n\
   / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__\n\
  / _  / / // / _ \\/  '_/\n\
 /____/_/\\_, /_//_/_/\\_\\\n\
  Give Blynk a Github star! =>\n\

  // Auto-detect board
  if (options.board) {
    this.board = options.board;
  } else if (isEspruino()) {
    this.board = new BoardEspruinoPico();
  } else if (isBrowser()) {
    this.board = new BoardDummy();
  } else {
      try {
        self.board = new b();
        return true;
      catch (e) {
        return false;

  // Auto-detect connector
  if (options.connector) {
    this.conn = options.connector;
  } else if (isEspruino()) {
    this.conn = new EspruinoTCP(options);
  } else if (isBrowser()) {
    this.conn = new bl_browser.WsClient(options);
  } else {
    this.conn = new bl_node.SslClient(options);

  this.buff_in = '';
  this.msg_id = 1;
  this.vpins = [];
  this.profile = options.profile;

  this.VirtualPin = function(vPin) {
    if (needsEmitter()) {;
    } = vPin;
    self.vpins[vPin] = this;

    this.write = function(value) {
      self.virtualWrite(, value);

  this.WidgetBridge = function(vPin) { = vPin;

    this.setAuthToken = function(token) {
      self.sendMsg(MsgType.BRIDGE, [, 'i', token]);
    this.digitalWrite = function(pin, val) {
      self.sendMsg(MsgType.BRIDGE, [, 'dw', pin, val]);
    this.analogWrite = function(pin, val) {
      self.sendMsg(MsgType.BRIDGE, [, 'aw', pin, val]);
    this.virtualWrite = function(pin, val) {
      self.sendMsg(MsgType.BRIDGE, [, 'vw', pin].concat(val));

  this.WidgetTerminal = function(vPin) {
    if (needsEmitter()) {;
    } = vPin;
    self.vpins[vPin] = this;

    this.write = function(data) {
      self.virtualWrite(, data);

  this.WidgetLCD = function(vPin) { = vPin;

    this.clear = function() {
      self.virtualWrite(, 'clr');
    this.print = function(x, y, val) {
      self.sendMsg(MsgType.HW, ['vw',, 'p', x, y, val]);

  this.WidgetLED = function(vPin) { = vPin;

    this.setValue = function(val) {
      self.virtualWrite(, val);
    this.turnOn = function() {
      self.virtualWrite(, 255);
    this.turnOff = function() {
      self.virtualWrite(, 0);

  if (needsEmitter()) {
    util.inherits(this.VirtualPin, events.EventEmitter);
    util.inherits(this.WidgetBridge, events.EventEmitter);
    util.inherits(this.WidgetTerminal, events.EventEmitter);

  if (!options.skip_connect) {

if (needsEmitter()) {
  util.inherits(Blynk, events.EventEmitter);

Blynk.prototype.onReceive = function(data) {
  var self = this;
  self.buff_in += data;
  while (self.buff_in.length >= 5) {
    var msg_type = self.buff_in.charCodeAt(0);
    var msg_id   = self.buff_in.charCodeAt(1) << 8 | self.buff_in.charCodeAt(2);
    var msg_len  = self.buff_in.charCodeAt(3) << 8 | self.buff_in.charCodeAt(4);

    if (msg_id === 0)  { return self.disconnect(); }

    if (msg_type === MsgType.RSP) {
      //console.log('> ', string_of_enum(MsgType, msg_type), msg_id, string_of_enum(MsgStatus, msg_len));
      if (!self.profile) {
        if (self.timerConn && msg_id === 1) {
          if (msg_len === MsgStatus.OK || msg_len === MsgStatus.ALREADY_REGISTERED) {
            self.timerConn = null;
            self.timerHb = setInterval(function() {
            }, self.heartbeat);
            self.sendMsg(MsgType.INTERNAL, ['ver', '0.5.3', 'buff-in', 4096, 'dev', 'js']);
          } else {
            console.log('Could not login:', string_of_enum(MsgStatus, msg_len));
            //if invalid token, no point in trying to reconnect
            if (msg_len === MsgStatus.INVALID_TOKEN) {
              //letting main app know why we failed
              self.emit('error', string_of_enum(MsgStatus, msg_len));
              //console.log('Disconnecting because of invalid token');
              if(self.timerConn) {
                //clear connecting timer
                console.log('clear conn timer');
                self.timerConn = null;
      self.buff_in = self.buff_in.substr(5);

    if (msg_len > 4096)  { return self.disconnect(); }
    if (self.buff_in.length < msg_len+5) {
    var values = self.buff_in.substr(5, msg_len).split('\0');
    self.buff_in = self.buff_in.substr(msg_len+5);

    /*if (msg_len) {
      console.log('> ', string_of_enum(MsgType, msg_type), msg_id, msg_len, values.join('|'));
    } else {
      console.log('> ', string_of_enum(MsgType, msg_type), msg_id, msg_len);

    if (msg_type === MsgType.LOGIN ||
        msg_type === MsgType.PING)
      self.sendRsp(MsgType.RSP, msg_id, MsgStatus.OK);
    } else if (msg_type === MsgType.GET_TOKEN) {
      self.sendRsp(MsgType.GET_TOKEN, msg_id, self.auth.length, self.auth);
    } else if (msg_type === MsgType.LOAD_PROF) {
      self.sendRsp(MsgType.LOAD_PROF, msg_id, self.profile.length, self.profile);
    } else if (msg_type === MsgType.HW ||
               msg_type === MsgType.BRIDGE)
      if (values[0] === 'vw') {
        var pin = parseInt(values[1]);
        if (self.vpins[pin]) {
          self.vpins[pin].emit('write', values.slice(2));
      } else if (values[0] === 'vr') {
        var pin = parseInt(values[1]);
        if (self.vpins[pin]) {
      } else if (self.board.process(values)) {

      } else {
        console.log('Invalid cmd: ', values[0]);
        //self.sendRsp(MsgType.RSP, msg_id, MsgStatus.ILLEGAL_COMMAND);
    } else if (msg_type === MsgType.REDIRECT) {
      self.conn.addr = values[0];
      if (values[1]) {
        self.conn.port = parseInt(values[1]);
      console.log('Redirecting to ', self.conn.addr, ':', self.conn.port);
    } else if (msg_type === MsgType.DEBUG_PRINT) {
      console.log('Server: ', values[0]);
    } else if (msg_type === MsgType.REGISTER ||
               msg_type === MsgType.SAVE_PROF ||
               msg_type === MsgType.INTERNAL ||
               msg_type === MsgType.ACTIVATE ||
               msg_type === MsgType.DEACTIVATE ||
               msg_type === MsgType.REFRESH)
      // these make no sense...
    } else {
      console.log('Invalid msg type: ', msg_type);
      self.sendRsp(MsgType.RSP, msg_id, MsgStatus.ILLEGAL_COMMAND);
  } // end while

Blynk.prototype.sendRsp = function(msg_type, msg_id, msg_len, data) {
  var self = this;
  data = data || "";
  msg_id = msg_id || (self.msg_id++);
  if (msg_type == MsgType.RSP) {
    //console.log('< ', string_of_enum(MsgType, msg_type), msg_id, string_of_enum(MsgStatus, msg_len));
    data = blynkHeader(msg_type, msg_id, msg_len)
  } else {
    /*if (msg_len) {
      console.log('< ', string_of_enum(MsgType, msg_type), msg_id, msg_len, data.split('\0').join('|'));
    } else {
      console.log('< ', string_of_enum(MsgType, msg_type), msg_id, msg_len);
    data = blynkHeader(msg_type, msg_id, msg_len) + data;


  // TODO: track also recieving time
  /*if (!self.profile) {
    if (self.timerHb) {
      self.timerHb = setInterval(function(){
      }, self.heartbeat);

Blynk.prototype.sendMsg = function(msg_type, values, msg_id) {
  if (this.timerHb) {
    var values = values || [''];
    var data = values.join('\0');
    this.sendRsp(msg_type, msg_id, data.length, data);

  * API

Blynk.prototype.connect = function() {
  var self = this;

  var doConnect = function() {
    if(self.conn) {
      //cleanup events
    self.conn.connect(function() {
      self.conn.on('data', function(data) { self.onReceive(data);     });
      self.conn.on('end',  function()     { self.end();               });

      self.sendRsp(MsgType.LOGIN, 1, self.auth.length, self.auth);
    self.conn.on('error', function(err) { self.error(err);            });

  if (self.profile) {
  } else {
    self.timerConn = setInterval(doConnect, 10000);

Blynk.prototype.disconnect = function(reconnect) {
  console.log('Disconnect blynk');
  if(typeof reconnect === 'undefined' ) {
    reconnect = true;

  var self = this;
  if (this.timerHb) {
    this.timerHb = null;
  //cleanup to avoid multiplying listeners

  //starting reconnect procedure if not already in connecting loop and reconnect is true
  if(reconnect && !self.timerConn) {
    console.log("REARMING DISCONNECT");
    setTimeout(function () {self.connect()}, 5000);

Blynk.prototype.error = function(err) {
  var self = this;
  //if we throw error and user doesn't handle it, app crashes. is it worth it?
  this.emit('error', err.code?err.code:'ERROR');
  console.error('Error', err.code);
  //starting reconnect procedure if not already in connecting loop
  if(!self.timerConn) {
    setTimeout(function () {self.connect()}, 5000);

Blynk.prototype.end = function() {
  var self = this;

Blynk.prototype.virtualWrite = function(pin, val) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.HW, ['vw', pin].concat(val));

Blynk.prototype.setProperty = function(pin, prop, val) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.PROPERTY, [pin, prop].concat(val));

Blynk.prototype.eventLog = function(name, descr) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.EVENT_LOG, [name].concat(descr));

Blynk.prototype.syncAll = function() {

Blynk.prototype.syncVirtual = function(pin) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.HW_SYNC, ['vr', pin]);
}; = function(to, topic, message) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.EMAIL, [to, topic, message]);

Blynk.prototype.notify = function(message) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.NOTIFY, [message]);

Blynk.prototype.tweet = function(message) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.TWEET, [message]);

Blynk.prototype.sms = function(message) {
  this.sendMsg(MsgType.SMS, [message]);

if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && ('exports' in module)) {
  exports.Blynk = Blynk;

  if (isEspruino()) {
    exports.EspruinoSerial = EspruinoSerial;
    exports.EspruinoTCP = EspruinoTCP;
    exports.BoardLinux = BoardEspruinoLinux;
    exports.BoardPico  = BoardEspruinoPico;
  } else if (isBrowser()) {
    exports.WsClient = bl_browser.WsClient;
  } else if (isNode()) {
    exports.TcpClient = bl_node.TcpClient;
    exports.TcpServer = bl_node.TcpServer;
    exports.SslClient = bl_node.SslClient;
    exports.SslServer = bl_node.SslServer;
    exports.BoardOnOff = bl_node.BoardOnOff;
    exports.BoardMRAA = bl_node.BoardMRAA;

Line 312 if your file says this:

this.conn = new bl_node.SslClient(options);

that is the line you should have edited.


Yes, The edited line was 312 but it does nothing. The connection is still made on SSL port 443. I also tried to force the port 80 but then i get an error.

    ___  __          __
   / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__
  / _  / / // / _ \/  '_/
 /____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\

  Give Blynk a Github star! =>

OnOff mode
Connecting to: 8080
SSL authorization...
    throw err; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error [ERR_UNHANDLED_ERROR]: Unhandled error. ('ECONNRESET')
    at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:329:5)
    at Blynk.emit (node:events:358:17)
    at Blynk.error (/home/pi/projekti/node_modules/blynk-library/blynk.js:649:8)
    at exports.SslClient.<anonymous> (/home/pi/projekti/node_modules/blynk-library/blynk.js:612:48)
    at exports.SslClient.emit (node:events:369:20)
    at TLSSocket.<anonymous> (/home/pi/projekti/node_modules/blynk-library/blynk-node.js:223:16)
    at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:369:20)
    at emitErrorNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:188:8)
    at emitErrorCloseNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:153:3)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:81:21) {
  context: 'ECONNRESET'

So the file that you posted was the inedited (original) version, rather than the one that you’d edited and were still having issues with?

I don’t see the point in doing that.


@mat_pav, can you post your own code file that contains the auth code you obtained from blynk phone app?

This was my default before when the SSL was working.

//existing code
var Blynk = require('blynk-library');
var Gpio = require('onoff').Gpio;
var AUTH = 'xxx';
var blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(AUTH);

I also tried like you suggested but with no luck.

#!/usr/bin/env node

var Blynk = require('blynk-library');
var Gpio = require('onoff').Gpio;
var AUTH = 'xxx';
var blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(AUTH);

Ok. So, try this:
var blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(AUTH, options = {
connector : new Blynk.TcpClient()

That will force non-SSL in the library.

IDK why the library change to use TcpClient is not working for you. I’m using an RPI 2b and I’ve gone thru 4 scenarios, using original blynk.js (1) and blynk.js-with-mod (2) as shown by @PeteKnight, and my code using blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(AUTH) (a) and blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(AUTH, options = … }) (b) as shown above. My results are:
(1) + (a) uses SSL: fails
(1) + (b) uses TCP: success (
(2) + (a) uses TCP: success
(2) + (b) uses TCP: success

Thank you. Now its working without modding the blynk.js file in the library.

Hi, I know this is old, but if you happen to get this, where do you put this code,
var blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(AUTH, options = {
connector : new Blynk.TcpClient()
to fix the problem? I know I need to post a new thread, but this is driving me nuts, and I’ve read so many posts about the same problem - but none of them clearly explain the fix. Thanks!