Check connection status in loop and reconect

Do you see my error?

remove the Blynk.begin() and try:

byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };  //you can edit it to your needs

if (Ethernet.begin(mac) == 0) {
    Serial.println("Failed to configure Ethernet using DHCP");

The rest should be fine as is

What error?

Perfect thankyou very very much. what your name telegram? or facebook?

I’m facebook-free :smile:

Am I too old already? What is that?

I want to make friends and exchange more about electronics and programming.

telegram is like kik, or facebook messenger

Fine… but I do remember telegrams more like that:

And I do have some still somewhere deep in my drawer (Well, they were there “a few” years ago)


I tried to put in the webhook, but I got an issue

A post was merged into an existing topic: (Make) ESP8266 automatically connect to the wifi and blynk servers (after disconnection)