@Dmitriy can you explain how the analog and digital datastreams are meant to work for various hardware types?
If I choose ESP8266 in the web console I see 5 analog pins available numbered A0-A4. I also see pins numbered 0-14 which I assume represent the digital pins. The ESP8266 has one analog pin, A0.
If I choose digital pins for the ESP8266 I see 14 pins, numbered 0-13.
The ESP8266 has the following GPIOs:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14 & 15.
If I choose ESP32 then I see the same analog pins A0-A4 plus 0-14 that I get when choosing the ESP8266.
The ESP32 has 18 analog pins, arranged into two ADCs, 1 and 2. The ADC2 pins can’t be used at the same time as WiFi, so are useless from a Blynk perspective.
The 8 ADC1 pins are also GPIO pins:
32, 33, 34, 35 36, 37, 38, 39
The ESP32 digital pins are GPIOs 0-5 and 12-39, yet Blynk shows digital pins numbered 0-13
How do any of the Blynk analog or digital pin numbers relate to the pins on the ESP8266 or ESP32 boards?