Can Notification send ÄÖÜß?

Can notification or Mail send German umlauts?

It depends on the compiler and your source file encoding.
Currently it sends binary strings, most likely UTF8 encoding.
The only restriction - it cannot contain string terminator [\0].

Thanks, so can I use them using the standard Arduino IDE will it compile them correctly?

On my system (linux), Yes.
When using other systems, open your sketch in some other editor (Notepad++, etc), and see if the message is displayed correctly. Then, check which encoding is used by the editor, and ensure it’s UTF-8

Tried, but got problems…

Found the problems of #1

Is it also possible to set a Notification Title instead “New Notification”?

When Trying to set an LED Widget can I use this (or witn numbers instead)?:
(can’t really follow your example sketch)

Blynk.virtualWrite(V18, LOW); delay(1000); Blynk.virtualWrite(V18, HIGH); delay(1000);

I cant read the Full notification, the notification line is too short and clicking on it opens the App but doesn’t show the notification text. Anything I could do besides shorten it?

Yes, all unicode chars use at least twice the data.
The limit is 110 bytes currently. You can increase it - see latest email example.
Hope that helps

Did just update my post.

Anything about 2,3,4?

  1. Not at the moment; But this is possible (when we will implement this);
  2. You need either use WidgeLED or Blynk.virtualWrite(V18, 255); // HIGH. See for more info;
  3. Push notification length limit is mobile platform limitation, not Blynk.

ok, thanks, tried both WidgeLED or Blynk.virtualWrite(V18, 255); both didnt work today, maybe some errror, will try tomorrow.

But onr thing still. If the App isn’t open and I get notified. If I then pull down notification and click on it the App opens but wont show the notification window. this only happens for me if the App is open already. (Android 4.4.2)