Can notification or Mail send German umlauts?
It depends on the compiler and your source file encoding.
Currently it sends binary strings, most likely UTF8 encoding.
The only restriction - it cannot contain string terminator [\0].
Thanks, so can I use them using the standard Arduino IDE will it compile them correctly?
On my system (linux), Yes.
When using other systems, open your sketch in some other editor (Notepad++, etc), and see if the message is displayed correctly. Then, check which encoding is used by the editor, and ensure it’s UTF-8
Tried, but got problems…
Found the problems of #1
Is it also possible to set a Notification Title instead “New Notification”?
When Trying to set an LED Widget can I use this (or witn numbers instead)?:
(can’t really follow your example sketch)
Blynk.virtualWrite(V18, LOW); delay(1000); Blynk.virtualWrite(V18, HIGH); delay(1000);
I cant read the Full notification, the notification line is too short and clicking on it opens the App but doesn’t show the notification text. Anything I could do besides shorten it?
Yes, all unicode chars use at least twice the data.
The limit is 110 bytes currently. You can increase it - see latest email example.
Hope that helps
Did just update my post.
Anything about 2,3,4?
- Not at the moment; But this is possible (when we will implement this);
- You need either use WidgeLED or
Blynk.virtualWrite(V18, 255); // HIGH
. See for more info; - Push notification length limit is mobile platform limitation, not Blynk.
ok, thanks, tried both WidgeLED or Blynk.virtualWrite(V18, 255); both didnt work today, maybe some errror, will try tomorrow.
But onr thing still. If the App isn’t open and I get notified. If I then pull down notification and click on it the App opens but wont show the notification window. this only happens for me if the App is open already. (Android 4.4.2)