Button light up

I like to use the bultton widget , but i have one problem.

If i want to put on something with a relais I just push the button , the button light up and de relais goes up.
No problem with that.
If by accident i put off my arduino and restart , the relais will be off but on the app the button light will still be on. So it can be confusing , you can think the relais is still on but its off.
Is it possible that the button lights up on the real state of the pin ?
Did i miss something ?

It was discussed already. Yes, we will fix it (hopefully soon) - it’s not that straightforward and easy :smile:

hi Pavel.
just a suggestion…
In this case, I think it could be done using the SD card.
The arduino could record the status of each port on the SD and, in the case of shutdown, the Arduino could read the SD at startup and restore the status of each port.
I’ve thought of the solution but I lack knowledge about with record this data on the SD card and then retrieve this data.
Sorry for my English (using tradukka.) :smile:

Julio T.

Definitely good idea