Buffer Overflow- Esp8266

Hello there,
I have a project with Arduino Mega and Esp8266. I use the Blynk application for control from the phone. The system is running. I can see that it works properly from the serial port and from the LEDs in the circuit. When I click on play button in Blynk application, all the data coming from the sensors is written on the screen and then it is “Buffer overflow”. When I stop the practice, it continues from where I was working. Do you have a problem with this?
I read about the problem in the forum but I did not.

It’s covered in the docs under “flooding” and it’s normally caused by bad user code e.g. sending data from loop() at a thousand times a second. As per docs, maximum is 100 transmissions per second.

As per @Costas aforementioned flood error


And about “bad” code… don’t send data using your void loop() use timers and timed functions instead.

Read this and look at the subsection “Avoiding the void”:

Hi All,
Update for this topic:
I found an additional thing which can cause Buffer Owerflow. This is Blynk.syncAll()

My setup is: Arduino MEGA + ESP8266-12 on hardwareserial Serial1.
In my other projects I use ESP standalone but now I need 6xDigital input, 1xAnalog input and 8xDigital output.
I have tried all known method (e.g. 9600bps, last version ESP firmware, EXT 3.3V, etc.) to avoid buffer overflow but not helped only remove Blynk.syncAll().

This has been mentioned… I made up a simple hack to allow syncAll without crash

And I think the developers have or are working on an option.

Indeed… :slight_smile: Sorry, I missed this topic during search.
Thanks for your reply!