'class WidgetBridge' has no member named 'notify'
bridge1.notify("ALARM..Heatsink1 temp HIGH");
How do you send data from a Slave device back to the Master device where the notification widget is to send a text message?
Notify is used to send notifications from hardware devices to moniker devices, not as a way of sending data from one hardware device to another.
Search for Bridge examples and you’ll see how to send data from one hardware device to another.
I got that and unfortunately there are no real bridge examples out there except for the one which just t uh runs on a relay. I have figured out a way for a Slave device to communicate with the master and it would be like this: Slave sends a data signal ( either 0 or 1) to Master which then with this data can trigger a text message via the notification widget. This works I was just wondering if there was more elegant way if doing it.
Maybe there is but personally, doing comms between 2 devices, that is the most sensible way to do it.
If you really believe that then either you’ve not looked, or you’ve used a very strange search criteria.
A search for “bridge” brings up many topics with lots of examples.
If you want to use something else then I’d suggest MQTT, and if you want to do it properly then Node-Red as well. It’s a much easier way to communicate between multiple devices in a complex project with multiple devices being used.
Hi Blinkers
Does anybody know if i have 1 Master device and say 2 slave devices, do i need 1 bridge widget per device? or will 1 suffice?
you need one per device since each devices have their own token
You already have a Bridge topic, so I’ve merged them both together.
As I’ve already said, searching the forum for “Bridge” will give you plenty of examples, including 3-way Bridge examples.
I’d suggest that you do your research and experimentation to expand your knowledge rather than keep asking for examples when plenty already exist.
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