
Hi Guys
I am trying to download and install the
BlynkSimpleWiFiLink into the library I have found the library in GitHub but its not in zip format
I need this library for one last go to use with my Arduino UNO WiFi
Any advice woul be appreciated

That file is already in the Blynk library (and yes the library itself is in .zip format)… just make sure you have extracted and installed the entire library folders as directed via the manual method (do not use the IDE library manager)

Thanks Gunner
I will try and reinstall it later this evening
Another questions for the forum
I have tried various sites before asking this question I lost my android device so I have downloaded Blynk on to my I-pad I am reluctant to take my I-pad out of the house in case I lose that as well
Will Blynk work with any android device
Thanks again

Yes… well, as long as you can directly use the Play Store as side loading apps on sme “limited” Android devices like Android based e-readers can be tricky.

I have Blynk running on ver.4.4.4 and up. But those old phones and tablets can get very slow to operate as well and can be frustrating to adjust, resize, even simply using the widgets with the lag in touch. But then that is the same or even worse with old Apple stuff. My iPhone 4s is a real pain to use at all.

Once again thank youGunner