Blynk with Wemos d1 R2 V2.1 (esp8266) goes online and offline repeatedly

Or change to a D1 Mini pro with an external antenna (just don’t forget to move the zero ohm resistor).



I got it ! Thank you !! :blush: :blush:

You can try that

He wasn’t kidding when he said he want an expert!
The problem is that with a metal box you really need screened (coax) cable between the board and the outside of the box, then a well designed antenna that’s going to be waterproof. Like this:


Yes but, you can solder a coax cable too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have changed the Wemos R1 V2.1 to Wemos mini pro . Hoping that it can work well.

That antenna will work better if the ground connection is in contact with the metal box, the box will act as a ground plane then.
But, if you’re going to drill a hole in the box to mount the antenna then pit it on one of the sides or the bottom to stop water getting in when it rains.


I use the antenna as the picture . Do you mean that I can use the SMA to lock on the box ? I have drilled a hole on the side of the box ! I use it indoor so there is no water problem.

Yes, there should be some locknuts and washers with the antenna. Drill a hole and pass the brass bit through it then put the locknut and antenna on. Make sure you clean-up the area around the hold so that the brass part gets good electrical contact with the box.


Thank you , sir :blush: :blush:. I will try it.