Blynk with Seeed Wio Link?

Hi All,

Original kickstarter backer been using Blynk a little with Arduino but have just received my Seeed Studios Wio Link kit:

Its based on ESP8266 so should be fairly straightforward. Will Blynk implement this as a supported board?

I received ten Wio-Link’s yesterday and it was a well backed Kickstarter so I guess there will be quite a few people wanting to use them with Blynk.

They appealed to me because I hate soldering :slight_smile:

They work well out of the box but without major coding using IFTTT which is pretty limited. Blynk provides such a nice interface for real time data with graphs etc would be ideal to see a straightforward solution

@vshymanskyy, I remember we had a sample even before the campaign. I even remeber it working :slight_smile:

Wio Link is fully working with Blynk…

Any pointers in the right direction? Do I need a copy of the wio link firmware to edit the auth token? And just use generic esp8266 in Blynk?

Hi! @vshymanskyy,

Could you advise on how to use the auth token from Blynk with Wio link without losing the OTA capability via wiolink app for grove changes.
Thanks in advance

I’ll have to look onto this, I don’t know if wio link provides Arduino sketches compatibility…

What about WIO Terminal support?