hmm…@gab.lau, Why it now yells at me, that ALL nodes are not properly configured?! Despite those messages it is working properly!
Show me some screenshot of error and of a node!!!
The problem is the config node, screenshot!!
Of course, there is only a problem on the regexp that validate the url!! My bad!!
Good thing that we can do deploy with errors!
I’ll fix it tonight.
Thanks Marcin
I would say the good thing is that despite “error” it works properly
update to 0.5.1 please
And tiny triangles finally gone! Thanks!
I noted that using the “blynk-ws-out-sync” in node-red to poll the server, in order to get the pin value of physical sensor (ie. token) has a drawback, that is, that sensor never go off-line. This means that if a sensor breaks the server never get informed.
Because of this i better, IMHQ is to poll Blynk Server using API, ie. a GET request using the sensor token.
When you’re using Node-Red with Blynk. any Node-Red Blynk connections (devices in Blynk) will appear online 100% of the time, unless your Node-Red server goes offline.
I personally never run any Blynk code on my physical devices, they always use MQTT to talk to the Node-Red server, then on to Blynk from there.
Each device sends-out a heartbeat signal of its RSSI value, uptime etc via MQTT and this feeds into a Timeout node which will trigger an action if the device is lost. For me, that’s normally changing the status of an LED in the app, but it could also be a Notification for critical devices.