Blynk.syncAll() should or not generate BLYNK_WRITE() event?

Hi guys.

Tell me pls Blynk.syncAll() should or not generate BLYNK_WRITE() event?
According to the documentation Blynk.syncAll() requests all stored on the server latest values for all widgets. All analog/digital/virtual pin values and states will be set to the latest stored value and should generate BLYNK_WRITE(). But it doesn’t really happen for Virtual pin (I dont know about analoge/digital). If I use Blynk.syncVirtual(vPin) - this generates the execution BLYNK_WRITE(). What could be the problem?


Blynk.syncAll() only works for datastreams that have the “Sync with latest server value every time device connects to the cloud” option turned-on (in the advanced section of the datastream setup screen of the web console).


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Thank you, Pete.