Changing to GPIOs that are input/output isn’t the solution, because momentarily writing a 1 or 0 to these GPIOs won’t change the way in which your timed functions read these pins.
I’d suggest that you use a global variable to indicate whether tracking should be on or off, then check the state of this variable before moving either of your servos.
There are numerous other issues with your sketch, including…
You’re manually managing your WiFi connection, then using Blynk.begin() - which manages your WiFi and Blynk server connection, but is a blocking function which will prevent all code execution if a WiFi or Blynk connection can’t be established.
I don’t understand why you’ve staggered your timers in this way. As I said earlier, you just need to use a timer to call a function which then calls the other functions - or simply put all of the code in one function, but that’s probably not a good approach.
You’ve created aliases for som of your pins, such as ldrlt, ldrrt etc….
but you aren’t then using these aliases when referring to the pins.
You’re still doing millis comparisons in some parts of your code, 8nstead of using BlynkTimer…
i changed those pin with input and output ADC2 Pin, because i planned to use SIM 800, rather then wifi.
can you tell me what exactly i mention in code, to make this happen, or can you suggest any article which explain this.
mention LDR pin aliases wherever Pin number mention for LDR.
Removed this because no i am no more using wifi.
but now i am facing issue with SIM 800 Module.
i remove all Sensor connection with ESP32 and trying to connect with only SIM 800 Module with blynk. but not getting succusses.
below is my revised code.
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "xyz"
#define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "123"
#include <TinyGsmClient.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleTinyGSM.h>
const char auth[] = BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN;
char apn[] = "";
char user[] = "";
char pass[] = "";
//int port = 8080;
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial SerialAT(3, 1); // RX, TX
#define SerialMon Serial
#define SerialAT Serial1
#define TINY_GSM_DEBUG SerialMon
TinyGsm modem(SerialAT);
#include <ESP32Servo.h>
#include <time.h>
BlynkTimer timer;
#include "ACS712.h"
#include "DHT.h"
#define DHTTYPE DHT22
#define DHTPIN 12 // Temparture and Humididty Sensor of Boost Converter
int solarvoltage = 34; // Solar Voltage Sensor
int batteryvoltage = 39; // Battery Voltage Sensor
float correctionfactor = 1.1;
float vout = 0.0;
float vin = 0.0;
float R1 = 30000 + 150000;
float R2 = 7500;
int value = 0.0;
int solarcurrent = 35; // Solar Current Sensor
int batterycurrent = 36; // Battery Current Sensor
ACS712 ACS(35, 5.0, 4095, 66);
double voltage = 0.0;
double current = 0.0;
int i = 0.0;
// LDR pin connections
//name = analogpin;
int ldrlt =33; //LDR top left
int ldrrt =25; //LDR top right
int ldrld =26; //LDR down left
int ldrrd =27; //ldr down right
Servo horizontal; // horizontal servo
int servoh = 90; // start at degree
int servohLimitHigh = 180;
int servohLimitLow = 0;
Servo vertical; // vertical servo
int servov = 90; // start at degree
int servovLimitHigh = 180;
int servovLimitLow = 0;
int value = param.asInt();
if(value == 0)
digitalWrite(23, LOW); // Solar Power On Off
Serial.println(" : Solar Off : ");
if(value == 1)
digitalWrite(23, HIGH);
Serial.println(" : Solar On : ");
int value = param.asInt();
if(value == 0)
digitalWrite(22, LOW); // Battery Charging Power On Off
Serial.println(" : Battery Off");
if(value == 1)
digitalWrite(22, HIGH);
Serial.println(" : Battery On");
int value = param.asInt();
if(value == 0)
digitalWrite(21, LOW); // Cooling Fan for Boost Converter Power On Off
Serial.println(" : Fan Off");
if(value == 1)
digitalWrite(21, HIGH);
Serial.println(" : Fan On");
int value = param.asInt();
if(value == 0)
digitalWrite(ldrlt, LOW); // LDR Top Left Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrrt, LOW); // LDR Top Right Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrld, LOW); // LDR Bottom Left Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrrd, LOW); // LDR Bottom Right Solar Tracker Power On off
Serial.println(" : Solar Tracker Off");
if(value == 1)
digitalWrite(ldrlt, HIGH); // LDR Top Left Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrrt, HIGH); // LDR Top Right Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrld, HIGH); // LDR Bottom Left Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrrd, HIGH); // LDR Bottom Right Solar Tracker Power On off
Serial.println(" : Solar Tracker On");
//#define Interval 100l
void Sensorvalue1()
int sdata = 0.0;
value = analogRead(solarvoltage);
vout = (value * 5.0) / 4096.0;
vin = vout / (R2/(R1+R2));
vin = vin - correctionfactor;
if (vin < 0.01) {
vin = 0.0;
Serial.print("Solar Voltage= ");
Serial.println(vin, 2);
sdata = vin;
Blynk.virtualWrite(V4, sdata);
void Sensorvalue2()
int sdata = 0.0;
value = analogRead(batteryvoltage);
vout = (value * 3.3) / 4096.0;
vin = vout / (R2/(R1+R2));
vin = vin - correctionfactor;
if (vin < 0.01) {
vin = 0.0;
Serial.print("Battery Voltage= ");
Serial.println(vin, 2);
sdata = vin;
Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, sdata);
void Sensorvalue3(){
for(int i = 0.0; i < 1000; i++);
voltage = (voltage + (0.0264 * analogRead(solarcurrent)));
//delay (100);
voltage = voltage / 1000;
current = (voltage - 2.5) / 66;
if (current < 0.01) {
current = 0.0;
Serial.print("Solar Current= ");
Serial.println(current, 2);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, current);
void Sensorvalue4(){
for(int i = 0.0; i < 1000; i++);
voltage = (voltage + (0.0264 * analogRead(batterycurrent)));
//delay (100);
voltage = voltage / 1000;
current = (voltage - 2.5) / 66;
if (current < 0.01) {
current = 0.0;
Serial.print("Battery Current= ");
Serial.println(current, 2);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V7, current);
void Sensorvalue5()
float t = dht.readTemperature();
float h = dht.readHumidity();
if (isnan(h) || isnan(t)) {
Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!");
Blynk.virtualWrite(V8, t);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V9, h);
Serial.print("Temperature : ");
Serial.println(t, 2);
Serial.print("Humidity : ");
Serial.println(h, 2);
void Sensorvalue7()
servoh =;
servov =;
int lt = analogRead(ldrlt); // top left
int rt = analogRead(ldrrt); // top right
int ld = analogRead(ldrld); // down left
int rd = analogRead(ldrrd); // down right
int dtime = 10; // dtime=diffirence time,
int tol = 100; // LDR Value tol=toleransi
int avt = (lt + rt) / 2; // average value top
int avd = (ld + rd) / 2; // average value down
int avl = (lt + ld) / 2; // average value left
int avr = (rt + rd) / 2; // average value right
int dvert = avt - avd; // check the diffirence of up and down
int dhoriz = avl - avr;// check the diffirence og left and rigt
if (-1*tol > dvert || dvert > tol)
if (avt > avd)
{ servov++; //= ++servov;
if (servov > servovLimitHigh)
{servov = servovLimitHigh;}
else if (avt < avd)
{servov--; //= --servov;
if (servov < servovLimitLow)
{ servov = servovLimitLow;}
if (-1*tol > dhoriz || dhoriz > tol) // check if the diffirence is in the tolerance else change horizontal angle
if (avl > avr)
servoh--; //= --servoh;
if (servoh < servohLimitLow)
servoh = servohLimitLow;
else if (avl < avr)
servoh++; //= ++servoh;
if (servoh > servohLimitHigh)
servoh = servohLimitHigh;
else if (avl = avr)
Serial.print("Average Value Top : ");
Serial.print("Average Value Down : ");
Serial.print("Average Value Left : ");
Serial.print("Average Value Right : ");
Serial.print("Vertical Servo Position : ");
Serial.print("Horizontal Servo Position : ");
void setup()
delay (10);
#define Interval 1000l
Serial.println("Initializing modem...");
String modemInfo = modem.getModemInfo();
SerialMon.print("Modem Info: ");
Blynk.begin(auth, modem, apn, user, pass);
dht.begin(); // Initialize the DHT sensor
pinMode(23,OUTPUT); // Solar Power On Off
pinMode(22,OUTPUT); // Battery Charging Power On Off
pinMode(21,OUTPUT); // Cooling Fan for Boost Converter Power On Off
pinMode(ldrlt,INPUT); // LDR Top Left Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(ldrrt,INPUT); // LDR Top Right Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(ldrld,INPUT); // LDR Bottom Left Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(ldrrd,INPUT); // LDR Bottom Right Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(solarcurrent,INPUT); // Solar Current Sensor
pinMode(batterycurrent,INPUT); // Battery Current Sensor
pinMode(solarvoltage,INPUT); // Solar Voltage Sensor
pinMode(batteryvoltage,INPUT); // Battery Voltage Sensor
pinMode(4,INPUT); // Temparture and Humididty Sensor of Boost Converter
timer.setInterval(50L, Sensorvalue7); // Solar Tracker LDR and Servo
timer.setInterval(123L, Sensorvalue1); // Solar VOltage Sensor
timer.setInterval(143L, Sensorvalue2); // battery Voltage Sensor
timer.setInterval(163L, Sensorvalue3); // Solar Current Sensor
timer.setInterval(183L, Sensorvalue4); // Battery Current Sensor
timer.setInterval(5000L, Sensorvalue5); // Temprature and Humidity Sensor
void loop()
I don’t really understand any of your responses to the issues I pointed out earlier. If you want assistance then you need to verbalise your questions better.
This makes no sense at all.
Pins 1 and 3 are the UART0 pins that are also connected to to the USB port (via a TTL to USB chip). You’re attempting to use them to also communicate with your SIM800.
The ESP32 also has two other hardware UARTs, so there is no need to use software serial to create a software UART.
You’ve already read this article, because you liked it yesterday, but you clearly haven’t understood it…
ok @PeteKnight i will, i am new in this iOT field, i will try to explain as much as possible. but first of all i am trying to connect with ESP32, SIM800 and Blynk.
i checked your Article again and some other forum discussion also. from that i had done some changes in Code. But Still SIM800 not connecting.
Below is my Code.
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "xyz"
#define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "123"
#include <TinyGsmClient.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleTinyGSM.h>
#define rxPin 16
#define txPin 17
HardwareSerial gsmSerial(2);
TinyGsm modem(gsmSerial);
#define TINY_GSM_DEBUG gsmSerial
const char auth[] = BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN;
char apn[] = "";
char user[] = "";
char pass[] = "";
#include <ESP32Servo.h>
BlynkTimer timer;
#include "ACS712.h"
#include "DHT.h"
#define DHTTYPE DHT22
#define DHTPIN 13 // Temparture and Humididty Sensor of Boost Converter
int solarvoltage = 34; // Solar Voltage Sensor
int batteryvoltage = 39; // Battery Voltage Sensor
float correctionfactor = 1.1;
float vout = 0.0;
float vin = 0.0;
float R1 = 30000 + 150000;
float R2 = 7500;
int value = 0.0;
int solarcurrent = 35; // Solar Current Sensor
int batterycurrent = 36; // Battery Current Sensor
ACS712 ACS(35, 5.0, 4095, 66);
double voltage = 0.0;
double current = 0.0;
int i = 0.0;
// LDR pin connections
//name = analogpin;
int ldrlt =33; //LDR top left
int ldrrt =25; //LDR top right
int ldrld =26; //LDR down left
int ldrrd =27; //ldr down right
Servo horizontal; // horizontal servo
int servoh = 90; // start at degree
int servohLimitHigh = 180;
int servohLimitLow = 0;
Servo vertical; // vertical servo
int servov = 90; // start at degree
int servovLimitHigh = 180;
int servovLimitLow = 0;
int value = param.asInt();
if(value == 0)
digitalWrite(23, LOW); // Solar Power On Off
Serial.println(" : Solar Off : ");
if(value == 1)
digitalWrite(23, HIGH);
Serial.println(" : Solar On : ");
int value = param.asInt();
if(value == 0)
digitalWrite(22, LOW); // Battery Charging Power On Off
Serial.println(" : Battery Off");
if(value == 1)
digitalWrite(22, HIGH);
Serial.println(" : Battery On");
int value = param.asInt();
if(value == 0)
digitalWrite(21, LOW); // Cooling Fan for Boost Converter Power On Off
Serial.println(" : Fan Off");
if(value == 1)
digitalWrite(21, HIGH);
Serial.println(" : Fan On");
int value = param.asInt();
if(value == 0)
digitalWrite(ldrlt, LOW); // LDR Top Left Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrrt, LOW); // LDR Top Right Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrld, LOW); // LDR Bottom Left Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrrd, LOW); // LDR Bottom Right Solar Tracker Power On off
Serial.println(" : Solar Tracker Off");
if(value == 1)
digitalWrite(ldrlt, HIGH); // LDR Top Left Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrrt, HIGH); // LDR Top Right Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrld, HIGH); // LDR Bottom Left Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrrd, HIGH); // LDR Bottom Right Solar Tracker Power On off
Serial.println(" : Solar Tracker On");
//#define Interval 100l
void Sensorvalue1()
int sdata = 0.0;
value = analogRead(solarvoltage);
vout = (value * 5.0) / 4096.0;
vin = vout / (R2/(R1+R2));
vin = vin - correctionfactor;
if (vin < 0.01) {
vin = 0.0;
Serial.print("Solar Voltage= ");
Serial.println(vin, 2);
sdata = vin;
Blynk.virtualWrite(V4, sdata);
void Sensorvalue2()
int sdata = 0.0;
value = analogRead(batteryvoltage);
vout = (value * 3.3) / 4096.0;
vin = vout / (R2/(R1+R2));
vin = vin - correctionfactor;
if (vin < 0.01) {
vin = 0.0;
Serial.print("Battery Voltage= ");
Serial.println(vin, 2);
sdata = vin;
Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, sdata);
void Sensorvalue3(){
for(int i = 0.0; i < 1000; i++);
voltage = (voltage + (0.0264 * analogRead(solarcurrent)));
//delay (100);
voltage = voltage / 1000;
current = (voltage - 2.5) / 66;
if (current < 0.01) {
current = 0.0;
Serial.print("Solar Current= ");
Serial.println(current, 2);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, current);
void Sensorvalue4(){
for(int i = 0.0; i < 1000; i++);
voltage = (voltage + (0.0264 * analogRead(batterycurrent)));
//delay (100);
voltage = voltage / 1000;
current = (voltage - 2.5) / 66;
if (current < 0.01) {
current = 0.0;
Serial.print("Battery Current= ");
Serial.println(current, 2);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V7, current);
void Sensorvalue5()
float t = dht.readTemperature();
float h = dht.readHumidity();
if (isnan(h) || isnan(t)) {
Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!");
Blynk.virtualWrite(V8, t);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V9, h);
Serial.print("Temperature : ");
Serial.println(t, 2);
Serial.print("Humidity : ");
Serial.println(h, 2);
void Sensorvalue7()
servoh =;
servov =;
int lt = analogRead(ldrlt); // top left
int rt = analogRead(ldrrt); // top right
int ld = analogRead(ldrld); // down left
int rd = analogRead(ldrrd); // down right
int dtime = 10; // dtime=diffirence time,
int tol = 100; // LDR Value tol=toleransi
int avt = (lt + rt) / 2; // average value top
int avd = (ld + rd) / 2; // average value down
int avl = (lt + ld) / 2; // average value left
int avr = (rt + rd) / 2; // average value right
int dvert = avt - avd; // check the diffirence of up and down
int dhoriz = avl - avr;// check the diffirence og left and rigt
if (-1*tol > dvert || dvert > tol)
if (avt > avd)
{ servov++; //= ++servov;
if (servov > servovLimitHigh)
{servov = servovLimitHigh;}
else if (avt < avd)
{servov--; //= --servov;
if (servov < servovLimitLow)
{ servov = servovLimitLow;}
if (-1*tol > dhoriz || dhoriz > tol) // check if the diffirence is in the tolerance else change horizontal angle
if (avl > avr)
servoh--; //= --servoh;
if (servoh < servohLimitLow)
servoh = servohLimitLow;
else if (avl < avr)
servoh++; //= ++servoh;
if (servoh > servohLimitHigh)
servoh = servohLimitHigh;
else if (avl = avr)
Serial.print("Average Value Top : ");
Serial.print("Average Value Down : ");
Serial.print("Average Value Left : ");
Serial.print("Average Value Right : ");
Serial.print("Vertical Servo Position : ");
Serial.print("Horizontal Servo Position : ");
void setup()
delay (10);
Serial.println("Initializing modem...");
Blynk.begin(auth, modem, apn, user, pass);
dht.begin(); // Initialize the DHT sensor
pinMode(23,OUTPUT); // Solar Power On Off
pinMode(22,OUTPUT); // Battery Charging Power On Off
pinMode(21,OUTPUT); // Cooling Fan for Boost Converter Power On Off
pinMode(ldrlt,INPUT); // LDR Top Left Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(ldrrt,INPUT); // LDR Top Right Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(ldrld,INPUT); // LDR Bottom Left Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(ldrrd,INPUT); // LDR Bottom Right Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(solarcurrent,INPUT); // Solar Current Sensor
pinMode(batterycurrent,INPUT); // Battery Current Sensor
pinMode(solarvoltage,INPUT); // Solar Voltage Sensor
pinMode(batteryvoltage,INPUT); // Battery Voltage Sensor
pinMode(13,INPUT); // Temparture and Humididty Sensor of Boost Converter
pinMode(16,INPUT);// Rx
pinMode(17,INPUT);// TX
timer.setInterval(50L, Sensorvalue7); // Solar Tracker LDR and Servo
timer.setInterval(123L, Sensorvalue1); // Solar VOltage Sensor
timer.setInterval(143L, Sensorvalue2); // battery Voltage Sensor
timer.setInterval(163L, Sensorvalue3); // Solar Current Sensor
timer.setInterval(183L, Sensorvalue4); // Battery Current Sensor
timer.setInterval(5000L, Sensorvalue5); // Temprature and Humidity Sensor
void loop()
You’ve defined these rxPin and txPin aliases, but don’t use them anywhere else. What’s the point in doing this?
The correct way to use aliases is to define them all near the beginning of your code then use them all (exclusively) throughout the rest of the sketch. In reality you’ve done this…
instead of pinMode(rxPin,INPUT); - except of course that you don’t need to have pinMode statements for your Serial2 port, and even if you did, how can you have a pin that is meant to be outputting (transmitting) data defined as an input and expect it to work?
Also, if you’d have defined all your aliases in one place, and used aliases for all of your pins, you’d realise that you are using pins 16 and 17 for something else…
You are trying to send debug info relating to the TinyGSM/Sim800 processes to the serial port which is meant to be reserved for AT communications between the ESP32 and SIM800…
instead of to the Serial port.
Are you certain that the SIM800 is actually listening for instructions, and sending its responses at 9600 baud?
If so, how have you established and tested this?
Despite me stating and re-stating in my serial port tutorial how important it is to ensure that the devices are wired correctly (Tx to Rx, Rx to Tx) you’ve not shared any information about how you’ve actually wired-up your devices.
Clearly your servos and your SOM800 aren’t connected to the same pins, despite what your code says.
Neither have you provided any information about how you are powering your devices. The SIM800 module can draw up to 2A in Tx mode.
Personally, I’d suggest that you go back to basics and start with a very simple Blynk GSM sketch, so that you’re eliminating all of your coding issues that arise from the rest of your code and hardware.
You might also want to think about a different type of GSM connectivity, as 2G communications are in the sunset period in most countries, so the SIM800 hardware wont function for that much longer.
will do the needful to make aliases for all pin and try to use them in rest of the code.
and change the pin number mistake of servo motor.
can you tell what code line will come here.
i am not sure about that, please guide me how to check this.
i insured that SIM 800 and ESP32 RX and TX wires are connected each other
SIM 800 RX wired to ESP32 TX
SIM800 TX wired to ESP32 RX
i am using Battery Shield
i had added RS270 Diod and 47 Ohm Resistor to reduce voltage from 5 volt to 4.2 volt.
you are right, i will go with simple GSM sketch with DHT 22 Sensor, and check if its work or any issues arise.
yes definetly, right now i am doing testing of product, many modifications are needed in this, i am planning to use 4G module in further Improvement in my solar charging Electric two wheeler kit.
thanks for your support.
i will get back after to you again after trying simple GSM blynk sketch
Connect an FTDI to the SIM800 and use the serial monitor to send an “AT” command to the board at 9600 baud. If you get an “OK” response then it’s talking at 9600 baud. If not the try all of the other baud rates.
That doesn’t tell me much about how you’ve routed your wires. Can the battery shield deliver 2 amps?
That’s already too complicated. Just het the board online with Blynk.
ADC pins are giving random Average Value without connected any sensor pin (without connected LDR pins)
i am trying to find cause from different posts and video but can’t able to find
below is my serial monitor output
23:16:47.887 -> Average Value Down : 4095
23:16:47.887 -> Average Value Left : 2216
23:16:47.887 -> Average Value Right : 2047
23:16:47.887 -> Vertical Servo Position : 152
23:16:47.887 -> Horizontal Servo Position : 152
23:16:48.088 -> Average Value Top : 1237
23:16:48.088 -> Average Value Down : 4095
23:16:48.088 -> Average Value Left : 2832
23:16:48.088 -> Average Value Right : 2500
23:16:48.089 -> Vertical Servo Position : 150
23:16:48.089 -> Horizontal Servo Position : 150
23:16:48.089 -> Solar Voltage= 0.00
23:16:48.101 -> Battery Voltage= 0.00
23:16:48.228 -> Solar Current= 0.00
23:16:48.395 -> Battery Current= 0.00
23:16:48.631 -> Temperature: 26.80
23:16:48.631 -> Humidity: 99.90
23:16:48.631 -> ------------------------------------------
#define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "123"
#define TINY_GSM_MODEM_SIM800 // Select your modem:
#include <TinyGsmClient.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleTinyGSM.h>
char auth[] = BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN;
char apn[] = ""; // Your GPRS credentials
char user[] = "";
char pass[] = "";
BlynkTimer timer;
#define rxPin 16
#define txPin 17
HardwareSerial Sim800L(2);
TinyGsm modem(Sim800L);
#include <DHT.h>
#define DHTPIN 13
#define DHTTYPE DHT22
#include "ACS712.h"
int solarcurrent = 35; // Solar Current Sensor
int batterycurrent = 36; // Battery Current Sensor
ACS712 ACS(35, 5.0, 4095, 66);
double voltage = 0.0;
double current = 0.0;
int i = 0.0;
int solarvoltage = 34; // Solar Voltage Sensor
int batteryvoltage = 39; // Battery Voltage Sensor
float correctionfactor = 1.1;
float vout = 0.0;
float vin = 0.0;
float R1 = 30000 + 150000;
float R2 = 7500;
int value = 0.0;
#include <ESP32Servo.h>
Servo horizontal; // horizontal servo
int servoh = 90; // start at degree
int servohLimitHigh = 180;
int servohLimitLow = 0;
Servo vertical; // vertical servo
int servov = 90; // start at degree
int servovLimitHigh = 180;
int servovLimitLow = 0;
// LDR pin connections
//name = analogpin;
int ldrlt =32; //LDR top left
int ldrrt =33; //LDR top rigt
int ldrld =25; //LDR down left
int ldrrd =26; //ldr down rigt
void DhtSensor()
float h = dht.readHumidity();
float t = dht.readTemperature(); //Read temperature as Celsius (the default)
if (isnan(h) || isnan(t)) {
Serial.println(F("Failed to read from DHT sensor!")); // Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again).
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
Serial.print("Humidity: ");
Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, t);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, h);
timer.setInterval(5000L, DhtSensor);
void SolarVoltageSensor()
int sdata = 0.0;
value = analogRead(solarvoltage);
vout = (value * 5.0) / 4096.0;
vin = vout / (R2/(R1+R2));
vin = vin - correctionfactor;
if (vin < 0.01) {
vin = 0.0;
Serial.print("Solar Voltage= ");
Serial.println(vin, 2);
sdata = vin;
Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, sdata);
timer.setInterval(100L, SolarVoltageSensor);
void BatteryVoltageSensor()
int sdata = 0.0;
value = analogRead(batteryvoltage);
vout = (value * 3.3) / 4096.0;
vin = vout / (R2/(R1+R2));
vin = vin - correctionfactor;
if (vin < 0.01) {
vin = 0.0;
Serial.print("Battery Voltage= ");
Serial.println(vin, 2);
sdata = vin;
Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, sdata);
timer.setInterval(100L, BatteryVoltageSensor);
void SolarCurrentSensor(){
for(int i = 0.0; i < 1000; i++);
voltage = (voltage + (0.0264 * analogRead(solarcurrent)));
timer.setInterval(100L, SolarCurrentSensor);
//delay (100);
voltage = voltage / 1000;
current = (voltage - 2.5) / 66;
if (current < 0.01) {
current = 0.0;
Serial.print("Solar Current= ");
Serial.println(current, 2);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V4, current);
timer.setInterval(100L, SolarCurrentSensor);
void BatteryCurrentSensor(){
for(int i = 0.0; i < 1000; i++);
voltage = (voltage + (0.0264 * analogRead(batterycurrent)));
timer.setInterval(100L, BatteryCurrentSensor);
//delay (100);
voltage = voltage / 1000;
current = (voltage - 2.5) / 66;
if (current < 0.01) {
current = 0.0;
Serial.print("Battery Current= ");
Serial.println(current, 2);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, current);
timer.setInterval(100L, BatteryCurrentSensor);
void SolarTracker()
servoh =;
servov =;
int lt = analogRead(ldrlt); // top left
int rt = analogRead(ldrrt); // top right
int ld = analogRead(ldrld); // down left
int rd = analogRead(ldrrd); // down right
int dtime = 10; // dtime=diffirence time,
int tol = 90; // LDR Value tol=toleransi
int avt = (lt + rt) / 2; // average value top
int avd = (ld + rd) / 2; // average value down
int avl = (lt + ld) / 2; // average value left
int avr = (rt + rd) / 2; // average value right
int dvert = avt - avd; // check the diffirence of up and down
int dhoriz = avl - avr;// check the diffirence og left and rigt
if (-1*tol > dvert || dvert > tol)
if (avt > avd)
{ servov++; //= ++servov;
if (servov > servovLimitHigh)
{servov = servovLimitHigh;}
else if (avt < avd)
{servov--; //= --servov;
if (servov < servovLimitLow)
{ servov = servovLimitLow;}
if (-1*tol > dhoriz || dhoriz > tol) // check if the diffirence is in the tolerance else change horizontal angle
if (avl > avr)
servoh--; //= --servoh;
if (servoh < servohLimitLow)
servoh = servohLimitLow;
else if (avl < avr)
servoh++; //= ++servoh;
if (servoh > servohLimitHigh)
servoh = servohLimitHigh;
else if (avl = avr)
timer.setInterval(1000L, SolarTracker);
Serial.print("Average Value Top : ");
Serial.print("Average Value Down : ");
Serial.print("Average Value Left : ");
Serial.print("Average Value Right : ");
Serial.print("Vertical Servo Position : ");
Serial.print("Horizontal Servo Position : ");
timer.setInterval(1000L, SolarTracker);
int value = param.asInt();
if(value == 0)
digitalWrite(ldrlt, LOW); // LDR Top Left Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrrt, LOW); // LDR Top Right Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrld, LOW); // LDR Bottom Left Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrrd, LOW); // LDR Bottom Right Solar Tracker Power On off
Serial.println(" : Solar Tracker Off");
if(value == 1)
digitalWrite(ldrlt, HIGH); // LDR Top Left Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrrt, HIGH); // LDR Top Right Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrld, HIGH); // LDR Bottom Left Solar Tracker Power On off
digitalWrite(ldrrd, HIGH); // LDR Bottom Right Solar Tracker Power On off
Serial.print(" : Solar Tracker On");
void setup()
Serial.begin(115200); // Debug console
Sim800L.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, rxPin, txPin); //Sim800L.begin(9600,SWSERIAL_8N1,D3,D4);
Serial.println("Initializing modem..."); // To skip it, call init() instead of restart()
Blynk.begin(auth, modem, apn, user, pass);
pinMode(ldrlt,INPUT); // LDR Top Left Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(ldrrt,INPUT); // LDR Top Right Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(ldrld,INPUT); // LDR Bottom Left Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(ldrrd,INPUT); // LDR Bottom Right Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(18,OUTPUT); // Servo Vertical Top Left Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(5,OUTPUT); // Servo Vertical Top Right Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(4,OUTPUT); // Servo Horizontal Bottom Left Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(15,OUTPUT); // Servo Horizontal Bottom Right Solar Tracker Power On off
pinMode(solarcurrent,INPUT); // Solar Current Sensor
pinMode(batterycurrent,INPUT); // Battery Current Sensor
pinMode(solarvoltage,INPUT); // Solar Voltage Sensor
pinMode(batteryvoltage,INPUT); // Battery Voltage Sensor
timer.setInterval(50L, SolarTracker); // Solar Tracker LDR and Servo
timer.setInterval(123L, SolarVoltageSensor); // Solar VOltage Sensor
timer.setInterval(143L, BatteryVoltageSensor); // battery Voltage Sensor
timer.setInterval(163L, SolarCurrentSensor); // Solar Current Sensor
timer.setInterval(183L, BatteryCurrentSensor); // Battery Current Sensor
timer.setInterval(5000l, DhtSensor); // Temprature and Humidity Sensor
void loop()
It’s difficult to say what the cause is without knowing more about your hardware setup.
But, I’d start by running a very simple sketch that reads the values from each of your four LDR pins and prints them to your serial monitor - without any processing or the values first - and see what the results look like.
Obviously induced current from other circuitry could be an issue here, but it’s impossible to say based on the data you’ve shared.
You are t doing yourself any favours by not following-through on tidying up your code before moving on to investigating other issues.
If I were you, I’d do a Google search for a solar tracker project that uses an ESP32 as it’s MCU.
Build that and get it working without Blynk, then decide what function you want Blynk to perform with the project, then add-in the Blynk code afterwards.