Blynk server down?

I can’t connect to Blynk.

check this thread

I am using iOS and it keeps saying Particle device offline. Particle is working fine.

and here

I already refresh token. It is still offline

check the second thread. Many people are still unable to connect. Also make sure you have the latest blynk library

solved. i needed to update the library to 0.3.5.

@mtun009 where did you find that version?

Finally! That was the solution! Library 0.3.4 is clearly not new enough, 0.3.5 is needed!

The LATEST is 0.3.7

always use the latest version.

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Are you familiar with particle? I don’t know how to add the 3.7 library. I use particles Web build platform and when I search libraries I can only find blynk 3.5 or lower versions

No, not familiar with particle, but you could google how to use the IDE?

I would have thoroughly enjoyed not asking if it was that simple

I understand the ide. I thought you might know how to add a library not in the search list. yes, I know what Google is. I’d like to think most people who delve into arduino or similar are well versed in Google skills. this forum is for help and that is what I was trying to accomplish.

So if you already Googled it, maybe try the Particle forum?