Blynk RESTful API, GET output

Hey all so I’m trying to use the http api but I run into some problems, I’m trying to get the value of the pin and when I use the GET link it returns [“value”]
in some cases I get just plain value but in other cases I get [“value”]
is it possible to get just the value?
in all the pins I get [" "] except the pins I have in device tiles.
any ideas? thanks

The value returned by the API is in the form of array. So you will have to write code to read that particular value.

Store the value in a variable and the print that value to screen. Below is example of python code for that.

h = requests.get('')
     humidity = h.json() 
     print("Humidity is " + str(humidity[0]) + " %")

well it works but it cant help me…
what im trying to do is setup homebridge http rgb and I need to get from a website the pin values, so the problem is the output of the restful api
thanks though!