Blynk Graph Live

Good day i have set up 4 gauges as well as a graph pulling in the 4 data readings. I have set each to * decimal which has worked for 6hr/day and all others but live which shows 6.545 example for ph. This causes the graph to jump up and down due to its sensitivity as opposed to 6 or . 6.5 for example why is the setting not taking effect in Live mode on the graph.

I assume that you’re talking about a Superchart, as opposed to the now redundant Graph widget?

I think you’re saying that you’ve set the gauge widget display properties to be one decimal place and used the same virtual pin as a data stream in Superchart? If that’s the case then I don’t think the gauge decimal place display has any effect on the number of decimal places used in the Superchart.

You probably need to format your data in your code before sending it to Blynk.

You don’t say which type of MCU you’re using (or for that matter any of the information that you’re prompted to supply when you create a new thread), but if you’re using an ESP8266 based device then ther was an issue with decimal places when using an earlier version of the ESP Core. I think that issue worked the other way around, truncating decimal places rather than preserving them, but it would be a good idea to ensure that you’re up to date with the latest ESP core (if that’s the hardware you’re using) and Blynk library.


Thanks yes i am refering to the superchart and im using an esp2866-01 I have set the decimal to * on all 4 gauges. One changes but the other 3 have 0,000 which makes the graph jump up and down for Dht11 temp humidity and ph especially ie 6.9589 example and any slightest movement.
Will look at my sketch ie decimal placing.
Was hoping the Blynk could control such. Regards sean

Gauge with adjust the decimal places for display the value but the graph would use the value sent to the Virtual Pin (in-adjusted).

you can simply Blynk.virtualWrite(Vx, String(YourVariable, DecimalPlaces))

Thank you ldb. Could you give me an example or guide me re following and other 3.
Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, h); present string for humidity and want no decimals just solid number ie 50
Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, phValue);
Also would 0,0 be one decimal ph.
Blynk.virtualWrite(V6,(h, 0,)); close
Blynk.virtualWrite(V0,(phValue, 0.0)); close

Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, String(h, 0)); no decimal
Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, String(phValue, 1)); 1 decimal

Refer to String()