Blynk cloud moving to new host

Dear Blynkers,

Due to technical reasons we need to move to a new Blynk Cloud host:
Please update to latest blynk library ASAP.

Old domain name will be working for few a weeks and will be turned off after that.

Please reprogram all your devices.

Sorry for any inconvenience, but it’s all for good!

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um, so does this mean we need to re-program all our devices?

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@Dave1829 yes. to avoid possible problems in future.

my current library is 0.3.5-beta - do i need to upgrade?

my IDE also says :
Specified folder/zip file does not contain a valid library

when i try to add the 0.3.4 zip linked above…

@Dave1829 the zip file doesn’t contain a library it contains 5 libraries and that is why the IDE will not process it.

See for details of the new release and the structure of the libraries.

thanks for dumbing it down for us simpletons :slight_smile:

but i unzipped them and tried to add the folders, but it still says i am using 0.3.5 beta?

how do i add the 0.3.4 library?

You need to remove the beta library I think. I guess Arduino IDE wants to use the newest one.

i deleted the library from the arduino/libraries folder, found 0.3.4


do i need to change any of these lines:

byte arduino_mac[] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
IPAddress arduino_ip (192, 168, 2, 211);
IPAddress dns_ip     (192, 168, 2, 1);
IPAddress gateway_ip (192, 168, 2, 1);
IPAddress subnet_mask(255, 255, 255, 0);
 Blynk.begin(authBlynk, "", 8442, arduino_ip, dns_ip, gateway_ip, subnet_mask, arduino_mac);
  while (!Blynk.connect()) {
    // Wait until connected

is this correct?

maybe there is something else wrong with my Mega & W5100 setup?

it is jsut connecting:

[14] Using static IP
[1316] My IP:
[5001] Connecting to
[10002] Connecting to
[15003] Connecting to
[20004] Connecting to
[25005] Connecting to
[30006] Connecting to

i’ll start a new thread tomorrow…

Everything seems correct (if other your params correct).

Is there a reason you can’t change the DNS for the subdomain to the new host instead of requiring a new domain?

@joshhighley yes. Amazon Route53 doesn’t support *.cc domains.

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…which is a real bummer! :angry:

Maybe this is off topic, but is that by design or a bug?

This is by design. I suppose it is not easy to add support for new top level domain name.

It probably has nothing to do with design. It’s more of an administrative issue. They probably are not allowed by ICANN to host such domains.

DNS can be a pain in the butt, I know …

Really nice. Just loaded and installed from “” page new version which seem still to be v0.3.3. Not much help for this issue :grin:

edit: Will this be the only announcement about the server change, no personal emails for registered users nor front page banners ?

@kariky perhaps try the link in the announcement itself (above) which will give you version 0.3.4.

Thank you i already got it, no problem.

Just wondering for how long beginners will be offered older version which requires immediate update released more than a week ago :confused: