Blynk-client invalid token

Sorry, i don’t know wich i have tu use. I think python it’s the Best for me

Well, the question was really about what library you are currently using to create the sketch which produced the output you posted earlier.


Wich sketch you’re talking about ?

Maybe i tale wrong way that’s why i want restart all my installation and i’m looking for tutoriel since server installation ( this is OK for me) to actionate relais by Raspeberry GPIO.

We seem to be gong around in circles here.
In the first post in this topic you showed the output from your Blynk client, which was trying to connect to the cloud server - because you haven’t specified the IP address and port of the local server in the client.

Now you don’t know which version of the client you used, and how you created the code that produced the serial output!

Re-installing the server won’t solve the problem, it will simply use-up time that would be better spent understanding how to configure the client to connect to the local rather than cloud server.


I just follow this :

And when i use blynk-client command on my raspberry ( like in video ) i have what i send in my first post.
I do exactly same than video. Just i don’t know why it don’t work

Okay, so you’re using the NodeJS library!

Read this, it explains how to connect to your local server rather than the cloud server…


Yes but it’s same : second link step 2 command blynk-client 715f8cafe95f4a91bae319d0376caa8c ( with token from my android blynk app )

Same message than my first post…

So what EXACTLY are are you putting in place of these lines of code…

const Blynk = require('blynk-library');  // Links variable 'Blynk' to the Blynk Library
const AUTH = 'xxxxxxxxxx';  // Your top secret auth code
const blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(AUTH, options = {
	 connector : new Blynk.TcpClient( options = { addr: "", port: 8080 } )  // This takes all the info and directs the connection to you Local Server.


I don’t place this code, i stop before. Maybe thats why ! Where i have to put them ?

Maybe you should actually read the link to the topics that I provided.


I read and i follow it…
Maybe i’m stupide but if i come ask for help it’s because i dont understand…

Post the script that you’re currently using.


I don’t understand What script you mean. When i follow tutorial they don’t talk about script…

ifyouare talking about this step : Creating a new Node.js project with Blynk on this lynk

I can’t go to this point because i’m blocked before to blynk-client command

Have you considered that maybe running a local server and/or programming in NodeJS isn’t the best approach for you at the moment?

The vast majority of Blynk users use the cloud servers, and if the do run a local server it is just as a server rather than as a client as well.
The simplest client hardware to use is the NodeMCU board, with the C++ client library.
There are many examples of C++ client sketches in the Sketch Builder (at the top of this page) and a large pool of people who regularly program in C++ to provide assistance and guidance.


I d’ont know i just follow some tutorial for testing blyng no more. They don’t say what’s better for me.

I need local serveur because majority of my project run in a palce whitout internet connexion.

If i can have choise i gonna use mydevices by Cayenne.

I just want to know why i have invalid token than i follow this video ( making by Bynk )

If it’s not good way how i can do for run my rapsberry in serveur + client. I can separate them 1 for client and 1 other for server

As I’ve explained before, it’s because your client is trying to connect to the cloud server, and the Auth token from your local server isn’t valid on the cloud server. To overcome this you need to edit your script to tell the client to connect to your local server.
I’ve linked you to a tutorial that shows you how to do that, but you not only don’t understand the tutorial, you don’t know what a script is. This is despite you saying that you’ve followed the Blynk step by step instruction (also included in the link I provided) which clearly refers to the script in which you need to change the Auth code.

I think that programming in NodeJS is beyond your current capabilities.


So ok I just don’t know where i have to make script. With esp8266 i have to send script on it ok.

But with Raspberry i don’t know. ( and i think i don’t need some programming for control gpio on raspberry with blynk )

I think you can just say me where i have to put this :

For Local Server:

const Blynk = require('blynk-library');  // Links variable 'Blynk' to the Blynk Library
const AUTH = 'xxxxxxxxxx';  // Your top secret auth code
const blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(AUTH, options = {
	 connector : new Blynk.TcpClient( options = { addr: "", port: 8080 } )  // This takes all the info and directs the connection to you Local Server.

Into your current script, but I can’t tell you where within that script until you work our what current script you are using, and share it here.


I don’t make script from my own, it’s during instalation on wich step of your link i have to make script ?
Really i don’t understand maybe you can show me screen shot or other ?

I’m sorry but i don’t understand