got quite far with my Blynk project (weather station to control irrigation and lights) but here is a question I could not solve.
I use several buttons with “ON/OFF” state. I would suspect that buttons are black in OFF and coloured in ON mode. However, I see all combinbations (OFF in colour, ON in black). Also, behaviour is different (e.g., can switch drelay on when button is ON and I press it).
I am changing the state of the buttons also from the ESP8266 using (Blynk.virtualWrite(V12, 1) and Blynk.virtualWrite(V12, 0)), e.g., to switch water off after max 5 minutes and switch button to off mode.
On iOS the button widget is also highlighted (colored) when being touched, kinda indicating the button is being pressed. This is the only case I can think of when the button may be visually highlighted and have OFF label at the same time.
Eugene, I have tested the new version and I still have the problem that sometimes my button color is not consistent with the state (e.g., “off with button in green colour”);