Blynk 2.0 Reset function

Dear Blynk Team
i using Blynk legency more then 1 year ago i have no issue now i am going to shift blynk 2.0
i have 2 esp32 1is using blynk legency and another 1is using blynk 2.0 in Blynk 2.0 i found that when my router restart Blynk 2.0 esp32 not connecting again to the network i have to go and manual reset esp32 then it will connect to my router and another esp32 using with blynk legency that is no issue it will auto connect

can anyone have the solution for this or may be i need to use Reset function after my blynk disconnected from the router then it will auto reset every 1minute until the wifi is connected to the ESP32
can you please provide me example code how to write code for reset function

best regards

I recommend you to try blynk.edgent.

Thanks for replying
Yes I am using blynk.edgent

Best regards

You don’t have to add a Connection management function because there’s already one

thanks for reply
yes but it wont connect back unless i will do restart the esp32 manualy

best regards

Can you post the whole sketch please ?

.ok sir i will post here

Where is the template ID and device name ?

thanks for reply ok i will send here template id and device name

Does the first part of your Settings.h file look like this, or have you amended it…

 * Board configuration (see examples below).

#if defined(USE_WROVER_BOARD)

  #define BOARD_BUTTON_PIN            15
  #define BOARD_BUTTON_ACTIVE_LOW     true

  #define BOARD_LED_PIN_R             0
  #define BOARD_LED_PIN_G             2
  #define BOARD_LED_PIN_B             4
  #define BOARD_LED_INVERSE           false
  #define BOARD_LED_BRIGHTNESS        128


Thanks for replying sir
Yes that’s true I make changes here
I make here changes that’s why is this problem?

Best regards

It depends what changes you’ve made.


thanks for reply
ok i will try to putback same what i make changes on this then i will let u know thanks

Best Regards

I was t saying that it should be returned to the original settings, if you do that it will cause a conflict.

I’m just waiting for you to tell is what settings you are using.


thank for reply sir
i am not sure sir previous what i exactly make changes on those pins yes but i just remeber i will make changes ther because of some reason
thanks for helping sir now is working well

best regards

It shouldn’t be, because GPIO4 is used in your sketch to attach sensor 4…

Yet it is also used by the Blue channel of the onboard RGB LED…

#define BOARD_LED_PIN_B 4


thanks for reply sir
yes sir i agree to you sir

best regards