Blynk 2.0 ESP8266 Home Automation

The easiest way is to have a device that acts as a protocol bridge, whether this is accepting signals from Bluetooth, IR, 433MHz, Zigbee, RFID or whatever other protocol you choose.
You code you sketch to translates these incoming messages/codes into commands that are sent to Blynk. The details of how you do that will depend very much on what it is you are trying to achieve in Blynk.

Personally, I have my bridge devices translate the incoming data into MQTT messages that are then handled by Node-Red, and passed on to Bl6nk as needed.


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I am always scared of the terms MQTT NODERED BRIDGE !! I am not even looking forward or making my mind to try that once.

May be because that needs a local server like rpi to run node red or MQTT broker. I have plenty lying around ! But using straight Blynk seems fun to me.

That’s what @Gunner used to say. He finally tried Node-Red, and now he’s totally sold on it.
You’ll probably find him hanging-out on the Node-Red forum as we speak :slightly_smiling_face:



use maqiatto it is free

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I got this error while compiling

Code_NodeMCU_Blynk2_4Relay_Switch.ino:38:21: error: variable or field ‘button1Handler’ declared void

Have you installed the necessary libraries ? Go through all the compiling errors and see the missing libraries. Install them. Check your ESP Core version. Install Blynk IoT library. And then try to compile.

Yes you did it very well but you miss one thing in this project.

By using remote button all relay will be on and off

Is this a question or saying how it works ?