Blynk 2.0 combining sources

In legacy Blynk, it was easy to share the data from various different modules and to display on one page in the app.
Is this possible in Blynk 2.0?

For example, I have a 8266 module controlling the operaion of a generator. I have another 8266 which monitors my battery status. I need to see the battery status whilst running the generator.

In legacy Blynk, I could see both modules on the same app page. In Blynk 2, I cannot find a way to do this. Any help, please?

You can create two tiles. One for the Operation of the generator and one more tile for displaying the battery voltage. Change the tile type to key value and it will display the battery voltage

It’s not possible at t6e moment with Blynk 2.0, but there is talk of introducing projects or dashboards to achieve this.

You could send data from one device to the other via an API bridge, to allow the data from a single device to hold all the information you need and display it on a single tile….


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try using 2 devices with same auth tokenS

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I am currently using the ‘two tile’ idea. Not ideal. These tiles seem crude at best.
Pete’s suggestion has gone right over my head (sorry Pete, but too complicated for me).
I will play with the idea of sharing the same authority token. I’ve now just got to adjust all my virtual pin numbers and see if that works!

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I don’t think that using the same Auth token is a good idea.


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just use 1 8266 and communicate via nRF24l01, that way you can monitor lots of inputs to 1 device…

Unfortunately these projects are already built and distributed. I can’t change the hardware. Its bad enough having to go round and upload the new firmware. At least after that it can all be done through Blynk.air.

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Not possible right now. But we hear your voice. Many people reported the same and that’s mean… it is in our roadmap already.

I solved that for now by overlaying a UDP capability on my 4 ESP8266 boards and having them share their data with the “mother” ESP8266 that then connected to Blynk 2.0