Basic ESP8266 SmartPlug + WifiManager

Hello everyone!
I just managed to use WifiManager on a basic Blynk project of mine.

Its ESP8266 reading temp/hum from an DHT22 . There are also some digital inputs/outputs like an RGB LED stripe and a presence microwave sensor that can be easily removed/adapted to your project.

I found it difficult to make it work so I decided to share it. I hope someone might find it usefull. Currently, on github its the first working version, but it is apparently stable.

Noob here, so any advices are much appreciated!

What sort of hardware is this designed to be used with?
I see from your code that you have a DHT11, a microwave sensor of some sort, an OLED display and three coloured LEDs.


Iā€™m a bit messy, but i will clear the code completely and put a proper description.
Its ESP8266,
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
ā€¦ with an DHT22, the code also says that, everything else is just digital input/outputs that can be easily removed if you need to.

The presence microwave sensor is completely missing from my actual device because i get lots of false detection. There are some leftovers there because i was planning to do some tests aomet other time.

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