Avoiding Flood Error


in my project I’sending several data (some virtual LED and is not much) every second, but sometimes my ESP8266 disconnect from the network, and restart the connection, which is OK, but on my debug display on my serial I got this message:

[340127] Trouble detected: http://docs.blynk.cc/#troubleshooting-flood-error

This is the sampling if my debugging display:

D1 D3 D5 D2 Status:0 0 1 0
D1 D3 D5 D2 Status:0 0 1 0
[340127] Trouble detected: http://docs.blynk.cc/#troubleshooting-flood-error
D1 D3 D5 D2 Status:0 0 1 0
[340274] Connecting to blynk-cloud.com:8442
[340348] Ready (ping: 0ms).
Email to noersaleh@gmail.com: 
Up Time: 0:05 == 3 x == 0:00:25
D1 D3 D5 D2 Status:0 0 1 0
Got a value: 0
D1 D3 D5 D2 Status:0 0 1 0
D1 D3 D5 D2 Status:0 0 1 0
D1 D3 D5 D2 Status:0 0 1 0

I suspect because all the backlog data in ESP8266 are all sended after the connection resume, so I add this line in my code:

  if (Blynk.connected()) { // <<<==== This the line I added ....
    // --  Blink LED that in Sync
    if (VLED_SystemBlink.getValue()) {
    } else {
    // Refresh all the VLED status according to each H/W GPIO Status
    if (digitalRead(D1)==1) {VLED1.on();} else {VLED1.off();}
    if (digitalRead(D3)==1) {VLED3.on();} else {VLED3.off();}
    if (digitalRead(D5)==1) {VLED5.on();} else {VLED5.off();}
    if (digitalRead(D2)==1) {VLED2.on();} else {VLED2.off();}

    #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.print("D1 D3 D5 D2 Status:" );
    Serial.print(" ");
    Serial.print(" ");
    Serial.print(" ");  
  } // END: if (Blynk.connected())

Unfortunately my debugging still showing the error (flood) message every time my network disconnected.
By the way, all of system are working fine, it means actualy I just can ignored the message … :slight_smile:

Am I doing the correct way to avoid Data Flooding to the Blynk Server?


There could potentially be issues in other parts of your code which cause this. This excerpt is not enough to determine that :slight_smile:

Are you using delays and how is your dashboard configured? Any chance you use pull-frequencies for buttons or something like that? They could be an issue if you have too much (not likely though).

This is my complete code:

#define DEBUG
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial    // Comment this out to disable prints and save space

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <SimpleTimer.h>
#include <DHT.h>

// -- NodeMCU PIN to ESP8266 ESP-12 Pinout
#define LDRPIN A0 // ADC Pin for LDR Sensor
#define DHTPIN 12 //  GPIO12 --> D6
#define D1 5  // LED 1 (Yellow)
#define D3 0  // LED 2 (Green)  
#define D5 14 // LED 3 (Red)
#define D2 4  // LED 4 (White)

// -- Blynk Virtual PIN definition
#define VTimer_Pin V2
#define VLEDblink_Pin V3
#define VLampTimer_Pin V5

// -- Blynk Virtual Display PIN definition
#define VDisplayTemp_Pin V10
#define VDisplayHumid_Pin V11
#define VDisplayLDR_Pin V12
#define VDisplayUptime_Pin V20
#define VDisplayNetConnect_Pin V21
#define VDisplayNetConnectUp_Pin V22
#define VDisplayCurrentTime_Pin V23

// -- Blynk Virtual Button PIN definition
#define VButton1_Pin V31
#define VButton2_Pin V32 // with Timer
#define VButton3_Pin V33
#define VButton5_Pin V35
#define VButtonTimer1_Pin V36
#define VButtonTimer3_Pin V37
#define VButtonTimer5_Pin V38
#define VButtonLDR_Timer_Pin V39
#define VSliderLDR_Pin V40

// -- Blynk Virtual LED PIN definition
#define VLED1_Pin V41
#define VLED2_Pin V42
#define VLED3_Pin V43
#define VLED5_Pin V45

const char auth[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; //insert here your token generated by Blynk
const char ssid[] = "xxxxx;
const char pass[] = "xxxx";

SimpleTimer timer;
WidgetLED VLED_SystemBlink(VLEDblink_Pin); 
WidgetLED VLED1(VLED1_Pin); 
WidgetLED VLED2(VLED2_Pin); 
WidgetLED VLED3(VLED3_Pin); 
WidgetLED VLED5(VLED5_Pin); 

// ----- Global variable ------
int LDR_Treshold = 30; // Value trahshold for Lighto switch on/off (Auto Lamp by LDR)
int NetworkDisconectedTimes = 0; // Reset every start-up
int NetConnectUp; // Reset every network re-conected
boolean AutoLamp1_Set = false;
boolean AutoLamp3_Set = false;
boolean AutoLamp5_Set = false;
boolean AutobyLDRTimer = false;

// -- This function will run every time Blynk connection is established
  Blynk.virtualWrite(VDisplayNetConnect_Pin, NetworkDisconectedTimes); // -- Disconected time counter on V21
  String EmailBodyMsg;
  EmailBodyMsg  = "Up Time: "+ClockFormat((millis() / 1000), false)+" == ";
  EmailBodyMsg += String(NetworkDisconectedTimes)+" x == ";
  EmailBodyMsg += ClockFormat(NetConnectUp, true);
  Blynk.email("noersaleh@gmail.com", "BLYNK Noer Home Automation: ESP8266 reconnected to Wifi/Internet", EmailBodyMsg);
  NetConnectUp = 0; // -- Reset Network Connection Uptime upon Network Disconected

  #ifdef DEBUG
  Serial.println("Email to noersaleh@gmail.com: ");

BLYNK_WRITE(VTimer_Pin) // Virtual PIN 2 is tight with a timer widgets on apps
  // You'll get HIGH/1 at startTime and LOW/0 at stopTime.
  // this method will be triggered every day until you remove widget or stop project or
  // clean stop/start fields of widget
  int i=param.asInt();
  if (i==1) 
    Blynk.virtualWrite(VButton2_Pin, HIGH);
  else {
    Blynk.virtualWrite(VButton2_Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(D2, param.asInt()); // GPIO4 / D2 is the LED set to timer

  #ifdef DEBUG
  Serial.print("Got a value: ");

 *  Define all button related to Lamp ON-OFF 
 *  Toggle
BLYNK_WRITE(VButton1_Pin) //--  Lamp 1
  digitalWrite(D1, param.asInt());

BLYNK_WRITE(VButton2_Pin) //-- Lamp 2
  digitalWrite(D2, param.asInt());

BLYNK_WRITE(VButton3_Pin) //-- Lamp 3
  digitalWrite(D3, param.asInt());

BLYNK_WRITE(VButton5_Pin) //-- Lamp 4
  digitalWrite(D5, param.asInt());

 *  Define all button related to Auto / Manual Lamp ON-OFF
 *  either by Timer or LDR
BLYNK_WRITE(VSliderLDR_Pin) //-- Slider Widget 
  LDR_Treshold = param.asInt();

BLYNK_WRITE(VButtonTimer1_Pin) //-- Button Widget for Lamp 1 Auto (Timer or LDR)
  AutoLamp1_Set = (param.asInt()==1);

BLYNK_WRITE(VButtonTimer3_Pin) //-- Button Widget for Lamp 3 Auto (Timer or LDR)
  AutoLamp3_Set = (param.asInt()==1);

BLYNK_WRITE(VButtonTimer5_Pin) //-- Button Widget for Lamp 5 Auto (Timer or LDR)
  AutoLamp5_Set = (param.asInt()==1);

BLYNK_WRITE(VButtonLDR_Timer_Pin) //-- Button Widget for Set Auto by LDR or Timer
  AutobyLDRTimer = (param.asInt()==1); // -- if TRUE --> LDR

BLYNK_WRITE(VLampTimer_Pin) // Virtual PIN 5 is tight with a timer widgets on apps
  if (!AutobyLDRTimer) {
    int i=param.asInt();
    if (i==1) 
      if (AutoLamp1_Set) {
        Blynk.virtualWrite(VButton1_Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(D1, HIGH);

      if (AutoLamp3_Set) {
        Blynk.virtualWrite(VButton3_Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(D3, HIGH);
      if (AutoLamp5_Set) {
        Blynk.virtualWrite(VButton5_Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(D5, HIGH);
    else {
      if (AutoLamp1_Set) {
        Blynk.virtualWrite(VButton1_Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(D1, LOW);

      if (AutoLamp3_Set) {
        Blynk.virtualWrite(VButton3_Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(D3, LOW);
      if (AutoLamp5_Set) {
        Blynk.virtualWrite(VButton5_Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(D5, LOW);

String ClockFormat(int InputClock, boolean DisplaySecond)
  int my_h,my_m,my_s;
  my_s = InputClock;
  my_m = my_s / 60;
  my_h = my_s / 3600;
  my_s = my_s - my_m * 60;
  my_m = my_m - my_h * 60;
  String MyClock = String(my_h) +":";
  if(my_m < 10)
    MyClock +=  "0";
  MyClock += String(my_m);
  if (DisplaySecond)
    MyClock += ":";
    if(my_s < 10)
      MyClock += "0";
    MyClock += String(my_s);
  return MyClock;
} // End: ClockFormat()

void sendNetConnectTime()
  NetConnectUp++; // --- Increment the time every second

  if (Blynk.connected()) {
    // --  Blink LED that in Sync
    if (VLED_SystemBlink.getValue()) {
    } else {
    // Refresh all the VLED status accodirng to each H/W GPIO Status
    if (digitalRead(D1)==1) {VLED1.on();} else {VLED1.off();}
    if (digitalRead(D3)==1) {VLED3.on();} else {VLED3.off();}
    if (digitalRead(D5)==1) {VLED5.on();} else {VLED5.off();}
    if (digitalRead(D2)==1) {VLED2.on();} else {VLED2.off();}

    #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.print("D1 D3 D5 D2 Status:" );
    Serial.print(" ");
    Serial.print(" ");
    Serial.print(" ");  
  } // END: if (Blynk.connected())
} // End: sendNetConnectTime()

void sendUptime()
  // ------------- Converting miliseconds to Clock and daisplay on Virtual Pin
  String MyClock = ClockFormat((millis() / 1000), false);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(VDisplayUptime_Pin, MyClock);                                  //-- Display UpTime
  Blynk.virtualWrite(VDisplayNetConnectUp_Pin, ClockFormat(NetConnectUp, false));   //-- Display Last Network Connect
  #ifdef DEBUG
  Serial.print("Uptime (s): ");
} // End: sendUptime()

void sendDHT11_LDR_AutoLDR()
  float h = dht.readHumidity();
  float t = dht.readTemperature();
  if (!isnan(t) && !isnan(h)) { 
    Blynk.virtualWrite(VDisplayTemp_Pin, t);   
    Blynk.virtualWrite(VDisplayHumid_Pin, h); 

  int LDR_value = analogRead(LDRPIN);   
  LDR_value = map(LDR_value, 0, 1023, 0, 100);  // -- convert value of 0-1023 to 0-100
  Blynk.virtualWrite(VDisplayLDR_Pin, LDR_value);

  // ----- Excecute this when each Lamp is controlled with Auto Timer Mode
  if (AutobyLDRTimer) {
    if (LDR_value < LDR_Treshold) { //--- Light below the threshold --> Set lamp ON, and syn LED and Button
      if (AutoLamp1_Set) {
        Blynk.virtualWrite(VButton1_Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(D1, HIGH);
      if (AutoLamp3_Set) {
        Blynk.virtualWrite(VButton3_Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(D3, HIGH);
      if (AutoLamp5_Set) {
        Blynk.virtualWrite(VButton5_Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(D5, HIGH);
    else { //--- Light above the threshold --> Set lamp OFF, and syn LED and Button
      if (AutoLamp1_Set) {
        Blynk.virtualWrite(VButton1_Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(D1, LOW);
      if (AutoLamp3_Set) {
        Blynk.virtualWrite(VButton3_Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(D3, LOW);
      if (AutoLamp5_Set) {
        Blynk.virtualWrite(VButton5_Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(D5, LOW);

  #ifdef DEBUG
  Serial.print("Temp:" );
  Serial.print(" - Humidity:" );
  Serial.print("Light:" );

} // End: sendDHT11_LDR()

 * SETUP: Initialize for the first Time
void setup()
  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
  while (Blynk.connect() == false) { } // Wait until connected
    // Wait until connected

  pinMode(D1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(DHTPIN, INPUT);

  timer.setInterval(1000L, sendNetConnectTime); 
  timer.setInterval(10000L, sendDHT11_LDR_AutoLDR); 
  timer.setInterval(60000L, sendUptime);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(VDisplayUptime_Pin, "0:00"); // Display initial UpTime
  Blynk.virtualWrite(VDisplayNetConnectUp_Pin, "0:00");  // Display initial last Network Connect time

  #ifdef DEBUG
  Serial.begin(9600); // See the connection status in Serial Monitor
} // End: setup()

 * LOOP: all the time
void loop()
  Blynk.run(); // Initiates Blynk
  timer.run(); // Initiates SimpleTimer  
} // End: loop()

As you can see I’m not using any delay function, or external button…