Automatic Control and User Interface for Central Tire Inflation System

Yup! Happened to me lately, now your turn :stuck_out_tongue:

OK :cry:
but this returns me values from Blynk Slider the correct place in the calculation program and then returning to Blynk lcd :confused:

How do I use this with LCD Advanced Mode

Formatting options
Letā€™s assume, your sensor sends number 12.6789 to Blynk application. Next formatting options supported:
/pin/ - displays the value without formatting (12.6789)
/pin./ - displays the value without decimal part (13)
/pin.#/ - displays the value with 1 decimal digit (12.7)
/pin.##/ - displays the value with two decimal places (12.68)

Check out this link where I answer that question with a short example:

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so this is not possible :pensive:

What is not possibleā€¦? Sorry guess I didnā€™t understand the original question.

Is this possible with LCD Advanced Mode ?
displays the value with 1 decimal digit (12.7)

the formatting strings (#.##) are for simple mode. In advanced mode all formatting is done in deviceā€™s code. There is no user interface element in app to do it in advanced mode, so itā€™s straightforward that it cannot be done this way. But formatting in device is as simple as using function
Str = String(float_value,decimal_points)

Analyze this piece of code:

String V_LCD_row0 = "IN: ";
if (Tc_in >= 0) V_LCD_row0 += " ";
V_LCD_row0 += String(Tc_in, 1);
V_LCD_row0 += rh_str;
V_LCD_row0 += String(Rh_in, 0);
V_LCD_row0 += "%";

String V_LCD_row1 = "OUT:";
if (Tc_out >= 0) V_LCD_row1 += " ";
V_LCD_row1 += String(Tc_out, 1);
V_LCD_row1 += rh_str;
V_LCD_row1 += String(Rh_out, 0);
V_LCD_row1 += "%";

Virtual_lcd.print(0, 0, V_LCD_row0);
Virtual_lcd.print(0, 1, V_LCD_row1);

Also strongly suggesting digging a little into basics at given Arduino reference page, where String() function is explained among other useful stuff :slight_smile:

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this comes to me slowly with me and is always more to learn and understand this

Has just been here for 10 days and is going on the course after 20 days, I am now satisfied what Iā€™ve done with your help here :slight_smile:

The next step is to write to explain; whatā€™s what in the code, so to bring it together and finish this connect in offroad jeep to see functionality

But thanks for your help

This sounds like a very big endeavor to start with, but I see that you are definitely working hard on itā€¦ However, I would recommend that on your first trip, you bring along a manual tire pump, just in case :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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it would still be great to get some help or good eyes to see how I fix this, you are so cool to see immediately what you can do[quote=ā€œEyberg, post:59, topic:12034ā€]
Found a solution to this problem :slight_smile:Before

setPoint = newSetPoint;

= missing or ?Now and works

setPoint == newSetPoint;

he, heā€¦ good point, @Gunner! But seriously speaking, if @Eyberg will make it to build on his own, then he will definitely will know what wires to short for emergency inflating!

And more importantlyā€¦ when to let go of said wires :wink:


you would love to come along for the ride on a glacier like this last year
You should see lines of approximately the tires are 38 "but these are manual equipment controlled by valves that are manual

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Yeahā€¦ a free and open world, hard to find on mainland Europeā€¦ If one day I will be bored with spending summer on the beach, perhaps will choose Iceland to visitā€¦(or emigrate :wink: )

Not always safe, though: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Itā€™s true

I disable this out and then it works
setPoint = newSetPoint;

To be honest, I do not know what works and what not.
To summarise:

  1. You plan to keep the pot for manual setting?
  2. if not, then you donā€™t need the whole function, as the setPoint var can be set (only) by means of slider from APP, and this is done by VIRTUAL_WRITE function, presented in prev. post.
  3. If Yes, then the whole thing will be a bit more complicated (but not that much) to keep in sync both settings (although the pot can be used then, it is not recommended)


Ok ?

Yes, I understand that, that is why I included it in the BLYNK_WRITE function. As for me, the rest of this function is not needed as it mainly stabilises the setPoint var to avoid fluctuations. you may need to include within BLYNK_WRITE the isSetPointChanged = true;
It might be needed in other part of the code (havenā€™t checked and overlooked that)

Hummm ?