Authentication/User Management


I wonder if there is a way to do extra step in authentication and be able to identify users on a hardware.
Any help is appreciated.


Hello. Right now this is not possible, at least for “free” version. However, we are working this right now. Hopefully, in few months we will have something to show.

you can do it with a few lines of code :wink:

Unless i can get mobile device id it is hardly possible

you can get MAC adress no ?

WifiManager manager = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
WifiInfo info = manager.getConnectionInfo();
String address = info.getMacAddress();
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I need unique id of the device which runs Blynk App.

Mac Address is unique

I know it is unique ).
Is it mac address of the phone? What if my connection is over GPRS and wi-fi adapter is off?

if it is GPRS, you can’t use WIFIMANAGER, but I think there is a possibility to get mac address with arduino code

I’m guessing that maybe @Viacheslav_Mikhailov wants to know which user of a shared project pressed a button widget in the app to turn a hardware device on/off.
If that’s the case then I don’t see a way of doing that.

If not. then more information about exactly what he’s trying to achieve would be useful.


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Indeed. When i share my project i need to do simple authentication on be able to identify my “users”.
Some secret entered in a text field and mobile device id would help.

With Sharing I highly doubt you will have this option (as it is now) since Sharing was meant for a simple demo use, not as a way of having multiple users access the same controls in a normal “production” capacity.

I wonder if tasker has a way of monitoring App use and sending some unique identifier when Blynk App is active? Perhaps not foolproof ID, but ballpark?

Interesting to see what the Developers come up with for the future.

@Viacheslav_Mikhailov use the number widget to set up 6 digit pin codes. Use switch statement and encase all your controls in an if statement checking for a valid pin. Hope this makes some sense.

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Folks, i’m in development for 20 years. And i’m pretty much familiar with all trivial technics.
The issue with pin code is obvious - it can be shared and reused.
I think i will implement RSA-like logic with a key generated by a device based on the registration code provided.
Instead of switch i would rather use SQlite to store my registration data the proper way )

Sounds like you didn’t need us after all… I stopped cognitively following at RSA :exploding_head::smile:

PS, I think what you are looking for is more toward the commercial side of Blynk anyhow… no reason for worrying about family members hacking your ID/pin codes :stuck_out_tongue:

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Seems you don’t want a simple system at all.

Is it a shared or a cloned project?

What is the approximate number of legitimate users?

It is actually rather simple system. I need to automate home gate opening, share the key with 6 my neighbors (not family) but prevent unathorized key sharing and to be able to identify who opens the gate.

i would love to use commercial one for 10$/m. More sounds unreasonably expensive for such a small project.

Yes, I argue with the grocer about their unreasonable cost of food… but they also get grumpy if I try to eat it for free to offset my expenses :stuck_out_tongue:

Besides, I am not the one to discuss this with… I am just a Blynk user like yourself, not a developer.

I don’t need bmw. I need just a truck with a few wheels. Even 2 is fine.