Auth stage timeout


TLDR: Infinite loop of the following messages while running the python program:

Connected to blynk server
Authenticating device…
Auth stage timeout

Note: the authentication key is changed to the correct one when switching from blynk to a local server
Code that works;

blynk = blynklib.Blynk(BLYNK_AUTH)

Note: using the correct ip and port locally (the one that is used for the admin panel)
Code attempted to change;

blynk = blynklib.Blynk(BLYNK_AUTH, server=‘192.168.x.x’, port=8443, log=print )

Library used: GitHub - blynkkk/lib-python: Blynk IoT library for Python and Micropython
Inspected the error message with no avail here:

I am using a Raspberry Pi 3B+, that is running a local server, which has been successfully logged into from the android application. In addition, I’ve already ran a working program and blynk project on the raspberry pi. What I am now attempting to change is the way the python program connects to a specific blynk server.

Any pointers are appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

I’d have expected that to be 9443, 80 or 8080.


It is 8080 - I have been using the admin server port and not the hardware port. My bad.

Thanks for the answer ans help!

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