Arduino Uno & Wifi Shield ESP13

Hi all,
I’m a first time Arduino user and looking to connect my Arduino Uno to Blynk.

I have what I understand is an esp8266 ESP-13 based wifi shield. This one:

Looking for a guide/howto specific to this type of shield. I see much info on the ESP8266 but nothing much on the wifi shields. I have tried the libraries that came with it with no luck.

A point in the right direction to get me started would be much appreciated. Happy to head in a different direction and purchase an esp8266 if that is the norm and most supported configuration.


@kentp please take a look at this thread ESP-13 Web Server Serial WiFi Shield

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I’ve also got one of those ESP-13 shields, with its notorious 2-pole DIP switch.
I bought it as part of the robot car kit from Osoyoo. The ESP8266 shield is made by the Doit company in china.

The best and most useful information on how to get this type of ESP-13 wifi shield to work with my laptop I’ve found is at ;-

I know that information doesn’t address your specific need to get it working with Blynk, but you may find it of interest. It worked for me first time.

I’m trying to get the scannetworks example that’s provided as a standard simple example in the Arduino IDE
( files/exampleswifi/scannetworks ) to work. But using this ESP-13 shield on an Uno board, the serial monitor just shows “wifi module not present”
If anyone reading reading this topic knows how to get scannetworks working on this ESP-13 shield, please let us know,


Please check the time/date stamps before posting. This topic is a year old… I suspect the OP has either found a solution or long given up :wink: