Arduino Nano USB to Serial works perfect, until I close Blynk App.?!?!

I have a Arduino Nano with a DHT22 a Range Sensor and some Waterproof Temp sensors hooked up, Im running a Local Blynk Server via Windows and I am pushing to that Server via blynk-ser.bat on COM4. The project all works perfect. except for when I close the Blynk App or try to add widgits . After I close the App and try and Reconnect the Arduino seems to Hang or Freeze. the only way to get it to work again is to restart the blynk-ser.bat.

here is my code.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial SwSerial(2, 3); // RX, TX

#include <BlynkSimpleSerial.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
 #include <SimpleTimer.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#define DHTPIN 12 //pin gpio 12 in sensor
#define DHTTYPE DHT22   // DHT 22 Change this if you have a DHT11
// Data wire is plugged into pin 2 on the Arduino
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 4
// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices 
// (not just Maxim/Dallas temperature ICs)
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
// Pass our oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature.
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
char auth[] = "";
SimpleTimer timer;
void sendUptime()
   float h = dht.readHumidity();
  float t = dht.readTemperature();
  Blynk.virtualWrite(5, t); // virtual pin 

  Blynk.virtualWrite(6, h); // virtual pin // You can send any value at any time.
  // Please don't send more that 10 values per second.
#include "Arduino.h"
class Ultrasonic
    Ultrasonic(int pin);
        void DistanceMeasure(void);
    long microsecondsToCentimeters(void);
    long microsecondsToInches(void);
    int _pin;//pin number of Arduino that is connected with SIG pin of Ultrasonic Ranger.
        long duration;// the Pulse time received;
Ultrasonic::Ultrasonic(int pin)
  _pin = 13;
/*Begin the detection and get the pulse back signal*/
void Ultrasonic::DistanceMeasure(void)
    pinMode(_pin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(_pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(_pin, HIGH);
  duration = pulseIn(_pin,HIGH);
/*The measured distance from the range 0 to 400 Centimeters*/
long Ultrasonic::microsecondsToCentimeters(void)
  return duration/29/2; 
/*The measured distance from the range 0 to 157 Inches*/
long Ultrasonic::microsecondsToInches(void)
  return duration/74/2; 

Ultrasonic ultrasonic(7);

void setup()
  // start serial port

 Blynk.begin(auth );

  // Start up the library

void loop()
{;; // Initiates SimpleTimer
  sensors.requestTemperatures(); // Send the command to get temperatures

  long RangeInInches;
  long RangeInCentimeters;
  ultrasonic.DistanceMeasure();// get the current signal time;
  RangeInInches = ultrasonic.microsecondsToInches();//convert the time to inches;
  RangeInCentimeters = ultrasonic.microsecondsToCentimeters();//convert the time to centimeters

    Blynk.virtualWrite(10,RangeInInches , millis() / 1000);
 Blynk.virtualWrite(12,sensors.getTempCByIndex(0), millis() / 1000);
 Blynk.virtualWrite(11,sensors.getTempCByIndex(1), millis() / 1000);



Edit your post!

Wrap the code by adding 3 Backtick: ``` symbols:


 ``` cpp <--put 3 backticks BEFORE your code starts  (cpp means C++ language) 

   //Put your code here

 ``` <--insert 3 backticks AFTER your code

**This makes your code readable and with highlighted syntax, like this:**
//comment goes here 
void helloWorld() { 
   String message =  "hello" + "world"; 

That’s correct. We use USB only for demonstration purposes. So if you want to make it work without interrupts you have to manage this by yourself.

So did that wrap it?

Hey I just waned to say thank you so much for Blynk this is amazing stuff. Im a noob when it comes to this Arduino and I recently found out about Blynk, its inspiring and has lit a fire under my feet. Blynk makes Arduino fun and takes away headache of coding GUI. Thank YOU.

Are you saying that what I’m experiencing Is the expected results of the code and app?
I don’t understand why The app wont reconnect to the arduino after exiting. Its designed this way?

App is reconnecting as well as hardware with Blynk. But you use USB and thus sockat as intermediate middleware between Blynk server and your hardware (blynk-ser.bat). So when connection dropped you have to run again this middleware. And make it reconnecting on connection drop is not trivial task. And we haven’t did it as we are orienting on web and internet of thing and not cables :slight_smile:

Ok. I read your problem again - maybe I’m wrong and this is not a case and problem not in middleware. What server version do you use and app version? Android/iOS? Do you see some errors in server logs?

I dont understand what your saying? I think you are saying its designed this way.
its not a trivial task to restart the USB server when Im at home. but what do i do when on the go, how do I make blynk-ser.bat restart automatically after i close the blynk app?

im using server-0.14.0.jar and and IOS app 1.8.2.

17:34:45.827 INFO  - Using data dir 'C:\Users\Cory\AppData\Local\Temp\blynk'
17:34:46.183 INFO  - Initializing mail transport. Username : SMTP host :
17:34:47.514 INFO  - Plain tcp/ip hardware server port 8442.
17:34:47.516 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:48.253 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:48.448 INFO  - SSL hardware port 8441.
17:34:48.455 WARN  - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads', key : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads' - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:48.556 WARN  - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads', key : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads' - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:48.635 INFO  - Application server port 8443.
17:34:48.693 INFO  - HTTP API port 8080.
17:34:48.701 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:48.837 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:49.066 INFO  - HTTPS API port 9443.
17:34:49.095 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:49.182 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:49.293 INFO  - HTTPS admin UI port 7443.
17:34:49.368 INFO  - HTTP reset pass port 7444.
17:34:49.370 INFO  - Web Sockets port 8082.
17:34:49.370 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:49.472 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:49.608 INFO  - Web SSL Sockets port 8081.
17:37:54.410 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
17:38:07.096 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
17:38:14.399 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
17:38:36.968 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:38:36.971 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:38:36.972 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:38:36.975 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:38:43.951 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:39:13.836 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:39:18.977 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:39:22.488 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:39:33.552 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
17:39:36.534 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
17:39:51.893 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:39:51.895 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:39:51.896 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:41:08.761 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:42:58.415 INFO  - Using data dir '\path'
17:42:58.612 INFO  - Initializing mail transport. Username : SMTP host :
17:42:59.330 INFO  - Plain tcp/ip hardware server port 8442.
17:42:59.333 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:42:59.861 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:42:59.976 INFO  - SSL hardware port 8441.
17:42:59.985 WARN  - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads', key : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads' - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:00.150 WARN  - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads', key : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads' - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:00.226 INFO  - Application server port 8443.
17:43:00.265 INFO  - HTTP API port 8080.
17:43:00.270 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:00.368 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:00.545 INFO  - HTTPS API port 9443.
17:43:00.574 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:00.683 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:00.756 INFO  - HTTPS admin UI port 7443.
17:43:00.857 INFO  - HTTP reset pass port 7444.
17:43:00.859 INFO  - Web Sockets port 8082.
17:43:00.861 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:00.960 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:01.052 INFO  - Web SSL Sockets port 8081.
17:43:04.280 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:43:06.853 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:43:13.272 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:43:24.440 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
17:43:27.418 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
17:43:51.539 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
17:44:00.625 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:44:00.645 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:44:00.754 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:44:00.768 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:48:42.270 INFO  - Using data dir 'C:\Users\Cory\AppData\Local\Temp\blynk'
17:48:42.483 INFO  - Initializing mail transport. Username : SMTP host :
17:48:43.222 INFO  - Plain tcp/ip hardware server port 8442.
17:48:43.225 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:43.766 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:44.003 INFO  - SSL hardware port 8441.
17:48:44.010 WARN  - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads', key : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads' - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:44.167 WARN  - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads', key : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads' - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:44.312 INFO  - Application server port 8443.
17:48:44.358 INFO  - HTTP API port 8080.
17:48:44.376 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:44.463 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:44.535 INFO  - HTTPS API port 9443.
17:48:44.564 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:44.710 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:44.826 INFO  - HTTPS admin UI port 7443.
17:48:44.900 INFO  - HTTP reset pass port 7444.
17:48:44.902 INFO  - Web Sockets port 8082.
17:48:44.903 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:45.001 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:45.093 INFO  - Web SSL Sockets port 8081.
17:48:46.595 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:48:49.592 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:48:51.631 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:49:12.117 ERROR - User not registered. Username '', /
17:54:00.564 INFO  - Trying register user :
17:54:00.570 INFO  - Registered
17:54:00.612 INFO  - app joined.
17:55:28.110 ERROR - Error sending email from application. For user
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at
535 5.7.8 wb7sm14921547pab.3 - gsmtp

   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport$Authenticator.authenticate(
   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.authenticate(
   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
   at javax.mail.Transport.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.application.handlers.main.logic.AppMailLogic.lambda$mail$0(
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
   at Source)
17:55:35.068 ERROR - Error sending email from application. For user
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at
535 5.7.8 p75sm14886033pfi.29 - gsmtp

   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport$Authenticator.authenticate(
   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.authenticate(
   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
   at javax.mail.Transport.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.application.handlers.main.logic.AppMailLogic.lambda$mail$0(
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
   at Source)
17:55:54.642 ERROR - Error sending email from application. For user
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at
535 5.7.8 wx3sm14899835pab.25 - gsmtp

   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport$Authenticator.authenticate(
   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.authenticate(
   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
   at javax.mail.Transport.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.application.handlers.main.logic.AppMailLogic.lambda$mail$0(
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
   at Source)
17:56:27.416 INFO  - Trying register user :
17:56:27.416 WARN  - User with name already exists.
17:56:27.443 INFO  - app joined.
18:00:04.669 INFO  - app joined.
18:01:27.023 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:01:32.275 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:01:49.311 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:02:58.102 INFO  - app joined.
18:07:17.130 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:07:20.346 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:07:23.691 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:07:26.823 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:07:29.946 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:07:57.281 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:08:00.449 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:08:03.561 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:08:06.694 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:08:10.078 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:08:19.637 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:08:23.091 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:08:25.936 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:09:15.847 INFO  - Using data dir 'C:\Users\Cory\AppData\Local\Temp\blynk'
18:09:16.472 INFO  - Initializing mail transport. Username : SMTP host :
18:09:16.968 INFO  - Plain tcp/ip hardware server port 8442.
18:09:16.971 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:17.514 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:17.776 INFO  - SSL hardware port 8441.
18:09:17.783 WARN  - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads', key : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads' - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:17.995 WARN  - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads', key : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads' - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:18.157 INFO  - Application server port 8443.
18:09:18.195 INFO  - HTTP API port 8080.
18:09:18.198 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:18.268 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:18.364 INFO  - HTTPS API port 9443.
18:09:18.380 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:18.446 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:18.517 INFO  - HTTPS admin UI port 7443.
18:09:18.697 INFO  - HTTP reset pass port 7444.
18:09:18.698 INFO  - Web Sockets port 8082.
18:09:18.699 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:18.758 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:18.861 INFO  - Web SSL Sockets port 8081.
18:09:35.155 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:09:38.458 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:09:41.585 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:11:36.809 INFO  - app joined.
18:15:22.411 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:15:25.602 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:15:46.035 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:15:49.858 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:15:52.978 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:15:56.117 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:17:55.091 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:17:58.217 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:18:01.381 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:18:04.513 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:18:10.607 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:18:13.743 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:18:55.303 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 0200010020366234616237643835373666346365333933366465613530393730. IP /
18:18:55.321 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 3130623266. IP /
18:19:00.292 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 0200010020366234616237643835373666346365333933366465613530393730. IP /
18:19:00.308 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 3130623266. IP /
18:19:05.284 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 0200010020366234616237643835373666346365333933366465613530393730. IP /
18:19:05.299 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 3130623266. IP /
18:19:10.273 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 0200010020366234616237643835373666346365333933366465613530393730. IP /
18:19:10.289 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 3130623266. IP /
18:20:17.019 INFO  - app joined.
18:20:46.207 ERROR - Error sending email from application. For user
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at
535 5.7.8 by3sm14979024pab.39 - gsmtp

   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport$Authenticator.authenticate(
   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.authenticate(
   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
   at javax.mail.Transport.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.application.handlers.main.logic.AppMailLogic.lambda$mail$0(
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
   at Source)
18:20:51.440 ERROR - Error sending email from application. For user
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at
535 5.7.8 fk9sm15016545pad.9 - gsmtp

   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport$Authenticator.authenticate(
   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.authenticate(
   at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Service.connect(
   at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
   at javax.mail.Transport.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
   at cc.blynk.server.application.handlers.main.logic.AppMailLogic.lambda$mail$0(
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
   at Source)
18:25:49.365 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:55.893 INFO  - hardware joined.
18:28:25.301 INFO  - app joined.
18:33:57.844 INFO  - hardware joined.
18:39:29.909 INFO  - hardware joined.
18:47:08.810 INFO  - app joined.
18:47:51.136 INFO  - hardware joined.
18:49:22.455 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:49:26.141 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:49:27.721 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:49:29.027 WARN  - User not logged. / Closing.
18:49:46.433 INFO  - app joined.
18:55:00.109 INFO  - hardware joined.
18:57:57.684 INFO  - Using data dir 'C:\Users\Cory\AppData\Local\Temp\blynk'
18:57:58.582 INFO  - Initializing mail transport. Username : SMTP host :
18:58:00.112 INFO  - Plain tcp/ip hardware server port 8442.
18:58:00.116 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:00.900 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:01.045 INFO  - SSL hardware port 8441.
18:58:01.052 WARN  - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads', key : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads' - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:01.137 WARN  - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads', key : 'C:\Users\Cory\Downloads' - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:01.394 INFO  - Application server port 8443.
18:58:01.437 INFO  - HTTP API port 8080.
18:58:01.445 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:01.556 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:01.691 INFO  - HTTPS API port 9443.
18:58:01.842 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:01.924 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:02.005 INFO  - HTTPS admin UI port 7443.
18:58:02.305 INFO  - HTTP reset pass port 7444.
18:58:02.307 INFO  - Web Sockets port 8082.
18:58:02.308 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:02.560 WARN  - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:02.668 INFO  - Web SSL Sockets port 8081.
18:58:10.416 INFO  - app joined.
18:58:11.967 INFO  - hardware joined.
18:59:34.791 INFO  - hardware joined.
19:00:05.697 INFO  - app joined.
19:03:19.931 INFO  - hardware joined.
19:04:35.463 INFO  - hardware joined.
19:05:46.617 INFO  - hardware joined.
19:08:38.391 INFO  - hardware joined.
19:10:05.680 INFO  - hardware joined.
19:16:19.918 INFO  - hardware joined.
19:16:37.133 INFO  - app joined.
19:18:32.022 INFO  - hardware joined.
19:27:59.422 INFO  - hardware joined.
19:28:08.242 INFO  - app joined.
19:30:11.593 INFO  - hardware joined.
19:35:36.393 INFO  - hardware joined.
19:36:59.794 INFO  - hardware joined.
19:37:58.179 INFO  - hardware joined.
19:42:51.600 INFO  - hardware joined.
19:43:18.377 INFO  - app joined.
19:43:31.637 INFO  - app joined.
20:30:21.042 INFO  - app joined.
20:34:19.276 INFO  - hardware joined.
20:41:08.434 INFO  - app joined.
20:44:23.988 INFO  - app joined.
20:44:55.569 INFO  - hardware joined.
20:47:42.378 INFO  - app joined.
20:58:00.200 INFO  - app joined.
20:58:39.791 INFO  - app joined.
21:00:10.471 INFO  - app joined.
21:05:26.933 INFO  - hardware joined.
21:06:20.218 INFO  - hardware joined.
21:07:35.478 INFO  - hardware joined.
21:09:25.082 INFO  - hardware joined.
21:09:31.943 INFO  - app joined.

I hope this is correct.

im using server-0.14.0.jar and and IOS app 1.8.2.

17:34:45.827 INFO - Using data dir ‘C:\Users\Cory\AppData\Local\Temp\blynk’
17:34:46.183 INFO - Initializing mail transport. Username : SMTP host :
17:34:47.514 INFO - Plain tcp/ip hardware server port 8442.
17:34:47.516 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:48.253 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:48.448 INFO - SSL hardware port 8441.
17:34:48.455 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’, key : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’ - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:48.556 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’, key : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’ - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:48.635 INFO - Application server port 8443.
17:34:48.693 INFO - HTTP API port 8080.
17:34:48.701 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:48.837 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:49.066 INFO - HTTPS API port 9443.
17:34:49.095 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:49.182 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:49.293 INFO - HTTPS admin UI port 7443.
17:34:49.368 INFO - HTTP reset pass port 7444.
17:34:49.370 INFO - Web Sockets port 8082.
17:34:49.370 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:49.472 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:34:49.608 INFO - Web SSL Sockets port 8081.
17:37:54.410 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
17:38:07.096 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
17:38:14.399 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
17:38:36.968 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:38:36.971 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:38:36.972 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:38:36.975 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:38:43.951 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:39:13.836 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:39:18.977 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:39:22.488 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:39:33.552 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
17:39:36.534 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
17:39:51.893 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:39:51.895 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:39:51.896 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:41:08.761 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:42:58.415 INFO - Using data dir ‘\path’
17:42:58.612 INFO - Initializing mail transport. Username : SMTP host :
17:42:59.330 INFO - Plain tcp/ip hardware server port 8442.
17:42:59.333 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:42:59.861 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:42:59.976 INFO - SSL hardware port 8441.
17:42:59.985 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’, key : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’ - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:00.150 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’, key : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’ - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:00.226 INFO - Application server port 8443.
17:43:00.265 INFO - HTTP API port 8080.
17:43:00.270 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:00.368 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:00.545 INFO - HTTPS API port 9443.
17:43:00.574 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:00.683 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:00.756 INFO - HTTPS admin UI port 7443.
17:43:00.857 INFO - HTTP reset pass port 7444.
17:43:00.859 INFO - Web Sockets port 8082.
17:43:00.861 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:00.960 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:43:01.052 INFO - Web SSL Sockets port 8081.
17:43:04.280 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:43:06.853 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:43:13.272 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:43:24.440 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
17:43:27.418 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
17:43:51.539 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
17:44:00.625 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:44:00.645 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:44:00.754 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:44:00.768 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:48:42.270 INFO - Using data dir ‘C:\Users\Cory\AppData\Local\Temp\blynk’
17:48:42.483 INFO - Initializing mail transport. Username : SMTP host :
17:48:43.222 INFO - Plain tcp/ip hardware server port 8442.
17:48:43.225 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:43.766 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:44.003 INFO - SSL hardware port 8441.
17:48:44.010 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’, key : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’ - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:44.167 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’, key : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’ - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:44.312 INFO - Application server port 8443.
17:48:44.358 INFO - HTTP API port 8080.
17:48:44.376 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:44.463 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:44.535 INFO - HTTPS API port 9443.
17:48:44.564 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:44.710 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:44.826 INFO - HTTPS admin UI port 7443.
17:48:44.900 INFO - HTTP reset pass port 7444.
17:48:44.902 INFO - Web Sockets port 8082.
17:48:44.903 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:45.001 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
17:48:45.093 INFO - Web SSL Sockets port 8081.
17:48:46.595 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:48:49.592 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:48:51.631 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:49:12.117 ERROR - User not registered. Username ‘’, /
17:54:00.564 INFO - Trying register user :
17:54:00.570 INFO - Registered
17:54:00.612 INFO - app joined.
17:55:28.110 ERROR - Error sending email from application. For user
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at
535 5.7.8 wb7sm14921547pab.3 - gsmtp

at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport$Authenticator.authenticate(
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.authenticate(
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
at javax.mail.Transport.send(
at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
at cc.blynk.server.application.handlers.main.logic.AppMailLogic.lambda$mail$0(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
17:55:35.068 ERROR - Error sending email from application. For user
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at
535 5.7.8 p75sm14886033pfi.29 - gsmtp

at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport$Authenticator.authenticate(
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.authenticate(
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
at javax.mail.Transport.send(
at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
at cc.blynk.server.application.handlers.main.logic.AppMailLogic.lambda$mail$0(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
17:55:54.642 ERROR - Error sending email from application. For user
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at
535 5.7.8 wx3sm14899835pab.25 - gsmtp

at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport$Authenticator.authenticate(
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.authenticate(
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
at javax.mail.Transport.send(
at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
at cc.blynk.server.application.handlers.main.logic.AppMailLogic.lambda$mail$0(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
17:56:27.416 INFO - Trying register user :
17:56:27.416 WARN - User with name already exists.
17:56:27.443 INFO - app joined.
18:00:04.669 INFO - app joined.
18:01:27.023 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:01:32.275 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:01:49.311 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:02:58.102 INFO - app joined.
18:07:17.130 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:07:20.346 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:07:23.691 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:07:26.823 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:07:29.946 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:07:57.281 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:08:00.449 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:08:03.561 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:08:06.694 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:08:10.078 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:08:19.637 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:08:23.091 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:08:25.936 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:09:15.847 INFO - Using data dir ‘C:\Users\Cory\AppData\Local\Temp\blynk’
18:09:16.472 INFO - Initializing mail transport. Username : SMTP host :
18:09:16.968 INFO - Plain tcp/ip hardware server port 8442.
18:09:16.971 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:17.514 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:17.776 INFO - SSL hardware port 8441.
18:09:17.783 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’, key : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’ - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:17.995 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’, key : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’ - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:18.157 INFO - Application server port 8443.
18:09:18.195 INFO - HTTP API port 8080.
18:09:18.198 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:18.268 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:18.364 INFO - HTTPS API port 9443.
18:09:18.380 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:18.446 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:18.517 INFO - HTTPS admin UI port 7443.
18:09:18.697 INFO - HTTP reset pass port 7444.
18:09:18.698 INFO - Web Sockets port 8082.
18:09:18.699 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:18.758 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:09:18.861 INFO - Web SSL Sockets port 8081.
18:09:35.155 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:09:38.458 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:09:41.585 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:11:36.809 INFO - app joined.
18:15:22.411 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:15:25.602 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:15:46.035 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:15:49.858 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:15:52.978 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:15:56.117 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:17:55.091 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:17:58.217 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:18:01.381 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:18:04.513 ERROR - Unsecured connection attempt. Channel : / Reason : Received fatal alert: unknown_ca
18:18:10.607 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:18:13.743 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:18:55.303 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 0200010020366234616237643835373666346365333933366465613530393730. IP /
18:18:55.321 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 3130623266. IP /
18:19:00.292 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 0200010020366234616237643835373666346365333933366465613530393730. IP /
18:19:00.308 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 3130623266. IP /
18:19:05.284 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 0200010020366234616237643835373666346365333933366465613530393730. IP /
18:19:05.299 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 3130623266. IP /
18:19:10.273 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 0200010020366234616237643835373666346365333933366465613530393730. IP /
18:19:10.289 ERROR - Not secure connection attempt detected. not an SSL/TLS record: 3130623266. IP /
18:20:17.019 INFO - app joined.
18:20:46.207 ERROR - Error sending email from application. For user
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at
535 5.7.8 by3sm14979024pab.39 - gsmtp

at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport$Authenticator.authenticate(
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.authenticate(
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
at javax.mail.Transport.send(
at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
at cc.blynk.server.application.handlers.main.logic.AppMailLogic.lambda$mail$0(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
18:20:51.440 ERROR - Error sending email from application. For user
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at
535 5.7.8 fk9sm15016545pad.9 - gsmtp

at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport$Authenticator.authenticate(
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.authenticate(
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
at javax.mail.Transport.send(
at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
at cc.blynk.server.notifications.mail.MailWrapper.send(
at cc.blynk.server.application.handlers.main.logic.AppMailLogic.lambda$mail$0(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
18:25:49.365 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:49.365 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:25:55.893 INFO - hardware joined.
18:28:25.301 INFO - app joined.
18:33:57.844 INFO - hardware joined.
18:39:29.909 INFO - hardware joined.
18:47:08.810 INFO - app joined.
18:47:51.136 INFO - hardware joined.
18:49:22.455 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:49:26.141 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:49:27.721 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:49:29.027 WARN - User not logged. / Closing.
18:49:46.433 INFO - app joined.
18:55:00.109 INFO - hardware joined.
18:57:57.684 INFO - Using data dir ‘C:\Users\Cory\AppData\Local\Temp\blynk’
18:57:58.582 INFO - Initializing mail transport. Username : SMTP host :
18:58:00.112 INFO - Plain tcp/ip hardware server port 8442.
18:58:00.116 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:00.900 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:01.045 INFO - SSL hardware port 8441.
18:58:01.052 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’, key : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’ - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:01.137 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths cert : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’, key : ‘C:\Users\Cory\Downloads’ - not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:01.394 INFO - Application server port 8443.
18:58:01.437 INFO - HTTP API port 8080.
18:58:01.445 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:01.556 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:01.691 INFO - HTTPS API port 9443.
18:58:01.842 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:01.924 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:02.005 INFO - HTTPS admin UI port 7443.
18:58:02.305 INFO - HTTP reset pass port 7444.
18:58:02.307 INFO - Web Sockets port 8082.
18:58:02.308 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:02.560 WARN - ATTENTION. Certificate C:\Users\Cory\Downloads and key C:\Users\Cory\Downloads paths not valid. Using embedded certs. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
18:58:02.668 INFO - Web SSL Sockets port 8081.
18:58:10.416 INFO - app joined.
18:58:11.967 INFO - hardware joined.
18:59:34.791 INFO - hardware joined.
19:00:05.697 INFO - app joined.
19:03:19.931 INFO - hardware joined.
19:04:35.463 INFO - hardware joined.
19:05:46.617 INFO - hardware joined.
19:08:38.391 INFO - hardware joined.
19:10:05.680 INFO - hardware joined.
19:16:19.918 INFO - hardware joined.
19:16:37.133 INFO - app joined.
19:18:32.022 INFO - hardware joined.
19:27:59.422 INFO - hardware joined.
19:28:08.242 INFO - app joined.
19:30:11.593 INFO - hardware joined.
19:35:36.393 INFO - hardware joined.
19:36:59.794 INFO - hardware joined.
19:37:58.179 INFO - hardware joined.
19:42:51.600 INFO - hardware joined.
19:43:18.377 INFO - app joined.
19:43:31.637 INFO - app joined.
20:30:21.042 INFO - app joined.
20:34:19.276 INFO - hardware joined.
20:41:08.434 INFO - app joined.
20:44:23.988 INFO - app joined.
20:44:55.569 INFO - hardware joined.
20:47:42.378 INFO - app joined.
20:58:00.200 INFO - app joined.
20:58:39.791 INFO - app joined.
21:00:10.471 INFO - app joined.
21:05:26.933 INFO - hardware joined.
21:06:20.218 INFO - hardware joined.
21:07:35.478 INFO - hardware joined.
21:09:25.082 INFO - hardware joined.
21:09:31.943 INFO - app joined.