ArduFarmBot, the book!

Guys, I have post here some time ago, a project that explore the IoT, Arduino and NodeMCU using the Blynk App. I pack all the project in a form of a book, the:"ArduFarmBot", that is available at! You can get it, by clicking the bellow banner:


The book uses the electronic controller ArduFarmBot as a basis for teaching how to work in both HW and SW, with: a) LCD and OLED type displays; b) LEDs and buttons; c) Activation of pumps and lamps via relays and d) Sensors such as: DHT22 (temperature and relative air humidity), DS18B20 (soil temperature), YL69 (soil moisture) and LDR (luminosity).

All key stages of the project are documented in detail through explanatory texts, block diagrams, high-resolution color photos, electrical diagrams using Fritzing application, complete codes stored in GitHub and YouTube videos.

Two versions of the electronic controller ArduFarmBot are developed in detail in the book. From capture of data coming from a garden, such as air and soil temperature, relative humidity, soil moisture and luminosity, the ArduFarmBot helps to control when a crop should receive heat and water. Control will happen automatically, locally and remote via internet The book is divided into 3 parts. In the first part, the Arduino Nano is the starting point for development of a local version of ArduFarmBot, that can be controlled both, manually and automatically.

In the second part, the book dives into automation design, introducing remote operation through the creation of a webpage. The ESP8266-01 is used for Wi-Fi connection, sending data to an important web service in the field of IoT, the

In the third part, a second version of ArduFarmBot is developed, introducing the NodeMCU ESP8266-12E, a powerful and versatile IoT device, which replaces both the Arduino Nano and the ESP8266-01, used in the earlier parts of the book.

In this last part of the book, a new service platform of the IoT universe, the Blynk, is also explored.

Download the book, give it a review and please use the message board here to give us any comment, suggestion or critic!

Thanks a lot

Saludos desde el sur del mundo!
