Another History Graph Question

HI All,

Just received the update on iOS and struggling with the History Graph…

I have checked my data folder, but I only have .csv files for the Value display widgets pins, and .bin files for the LED and button widgets.

Is there something that needs to be configured in the properties file?

No. Do you have some problem or what?

with 4 pins selected i’m getting “No Data” in the history graph.

I know there is data being sent as all 4 are displayed in their own widgets.

What version of local server do you use? Also have in mind reporting is not instant so you should see data after 1-2 minutes you started sending it. History graph not updated by itself, so you should click on labels (1h, 6h) or open app. and latest data will be loaded.

Started running 11.4 today, was 10.2 before though.

Its been running now for approx 90mins and not getting any data.

My local server is not capturing the .bin files for the pins that use a display widget, only .csv files:

This is my current Dash:

Do you see any errors in logs/blynk.log or logs/users/your_email.log? Also do you have enough space?

Only error is a random old device using a wrong Token ID

Do you have enough space on disk?


Checked that too, got 2GB free.

pi@raspberrypi ~/blynk $ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 7.3G 5.0G 2.0G 73% /
devtmpfs 214M 0 214M 0% /dev
tmpfs 44M 232K 44M 1% /run
tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock
tmpfs 87M 0 87M 0% /run/shm
/dev/mmcblk0p1 56M 20M 37M 36% /boot

Ok, let’s do next - stop server, remove all Blynk logs and remove all data in “data/data” folder (if not critical) (don’t remove accidentally your account file =)). Restart server, start sending data, wait 1-2 min check if graph works for you and files created.

We’ll see what to do next.

Not critical, would be nice to see the rain from last week, will take a backup and clear out the logs / data folders and reply

Nope, tried that and the only ones its recreated are as follows:

pi@raspberrypi ~/blynk/data/data/ $ ls
1635772602_v18.csv 1635772602_v6.csv history_1635772602_v18_minute.bin
1635772602_v4.csv 1635772602_v7.csv
1635772602_v5.csv 1635772602_v8.csv

Does the History graph widget rely on the .bin file or the .csv files?


And no errors in logs?

@Bobbo_SA also what data are you sending via this pins? I hope this is not strings?

Hmmm, you might be onto something here, probably going to need to convert the code:

I’m pulling the value in from MQTT as a string and sending it out to blynk:

void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {

if (strcmp(topic, "/topic/Temp") == 0){
String temp = String((char*)payload);

What formats are “supported” by the history graphs? (And for .virtualwrite?)

Just numbers. So in case you send something like “30C” - it wont work. Blynk also sends strings, so “1111” will work. You need just be sure that you sending number within string.

May be something strange in the MQTT payload “string” that its not picking it up as a number, if i look at the stream its only showing numbers (and also on the value display widget it only shows the number (plus the “.” ).

Could it be the floating point “.” that’s causing it? Let me try only send the decimal part of the value and see what that does.

I have worked on the code to convert the byte to a float, need to get home to upload it to the device though.

Wait, hang on, are you saying the history graph only supports whole numbers? I will then need to use another 4 Vpins by sending he same value as a whole number for history (as well as the full reading for the value display)

It shouldn’t.
But as you can see there is a pin that has file

What is the difference between it and v8 for instance?
Also could you give me a link on this files?

Maybe I’ll find there something interesting.

V18 is just getting a High or Low depending on the “1” or “0” in the MQTT stream, I see there are now .bin files for all the button pins:

  if (strcmp(topic, "/topics/blynk/Arm") == 0){
   if (payload[0] == '1'){

This is the data in the .csv file (pin 8 as per the code above):


not sure where the “g01_OnOff” is coming from, the 19.60 is the temperature and the rest is the timestamp. (Edited; Bold tags didn’t work)

Let me work on reworking the way the value is sent to the pin tonight and come back to you, I know my implementation is a little out of the ordinary, :slight_smile:

Update: So managed to get it working but redoing the way the values are sent to Blynk from the MQTT connection, working really well now although i still need to rework it a bit to fix the rounding of the last decimal place.

2 Remaining items on my wish list:

  1. Fix the issue where the app does not save the custom server details on logout
  2. Allow us to add an additional screen with the same project auth code - I’m now out of space, I would like to have one screen for “live” data, and a second screen for the history graphs - I need a second graph to show the pressure trend, if i add it to the existing graph then the scaling messes up and the <100 values all look like a flat line on the bottom.
    2.1 Notifications / Twitter to work via local server :smile: