Add 'Random' forum topic

I’ve noticed that this forum is lacking a ‘Random’ topic where blynk (un)related stuff can be posted. Either articles you’ve seen concerning blynk or IOT, social interaction, jokes and whatnot, in short: a place to post random interesting stuff. Would be good for the social cohesion of this forum.

Actually, we have that one, but it is hidden and only for “trusted” users :wink:.

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ok… then maybe add an extra topic ‘Dump’ for untrustworthy miscreants like myself? Who can use that for, see OP.

I do believe that you (as an active member) gonna join to this “trusted” users group soon(-er or later) :wink:

This forum is already “fun” enough to keep coherent… I think YouTube commenting is sufficient for all those “other topics” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The “secret” location is for Level 3 members… I sent you a PM showing your stats to date…

thanks for the explanation, I wasn’t aware.