Is it possible to add BLYNK to existing arduino project with much off tasks. For example I have long arduino code with LCD library included and much off lcd.print functions what take some time to get through all code, also I have much off Serial.print functions which too take some time, there is some for functions who read 200 times with some delay, it is too take some time.
So is it possible to add blynk in complex codes like this and how to correct do it to not affect blynk functionality and beware connection lost?
Where I need to put my complex code? As I know it can’t be in loop void. So then where I need to put it?
I would recommend that you make a version of your program and just try adding blynk, then go from there. It’s not hard to get the basics done. I am in the process of doing something similar, though my program is not very complex. You will then start to figure out where you can best take advantage of he interface and start working on those bits a little at a time. I am sure others will have opinions, I am new to Blynk myself.
The initial project shows you how to run the generic code, just go through the walk-through and you will see how it handles it.