[1524] ESP is not responding

Please help
15:45:16.930 → ___ __ __
15:45:16.930 → / _ )/ /_ _____ / /__
15:45:16.930 → / _ / / // / _ / '/
15:45:16.930 → /
//_, /////_
15:45:16.930 → /
__/ v1.1.0 on Arduino Uno
15:45:16.930 →
15:45:16.930 → #StandWithUkraine https://bit.ly/swua
15:45:16.962 →
15:45:16.962 →
15:45:17.449 → [510] Connecting to ENPRANI
15:45:18.483 → [1524] ESP is not responding

I’ve connected rx and tx to pin 2,3

This is my code, default blynk

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

#include <ESP8266_Lib.h>

#include <BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266.h>

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define ESP8266_BAUD 9600

char auth[] = "6bae2d0e7bfa4b6096feeaffa2030e4f";

char ssid[] = "ENPRANI"; //You can replace the wifi name to your wifi

char pass[] = "wearetheaespa00";  //Type password of your wifi.

SoftwareSerial EspSerial(2, 3); // RX, TX

WidgetLCD lcd(V0);

ESP8266 wifi(&EspSerial);

void setup()




  Blynk.begin(auth, wifi, ssid, pass);


 lcd.print(1, 1, "IoT");


void loop()




Please edit your post, and add triple backticks ``` before and after your whole sketch.

my bad im sorry

Wrong character. Triple backticks look like this ```

there, thanks

You need to connect Rx on the Uno to Tx on the ESP-01 and vice versa.

More info here…

I’m curious why you’ve added the “RPi” tag to your topic?
Are you attempting to rin a local legacy server on your Pi? If so then your sketch won’t work with that.
If not then you should switch over to Blynk IoT, as Blynk Legacy will stop working in 46 days.

Also, this…

Won’t work as expected in your void setup. You should place it in a BLYNK_CONNECTED() function instead.


I tried this one but nothing comes up from serial monitor anymore.

this code is a default code that I copy pasted from a website that teaches connecting esp8266 and arduino uno.

I’ve also read this statement and applied it to my little project. Unfortunately, there’s no improvement after applying the tips listed.

How are you powering the esp module ?

You misunderstood my comment.
The SoftwareSerial Rx pin (pin 2) needs to be connected to the Tx pin on the ESP-01 and the SoftwareSerial Tx pin (Pin 3) needs to be connected to the Rx pin on the ESP-01.

Think of it like a telephone system, you speak into the microphone and it comes out of the speaker at the other end - Tx —> Rx

Maybe time to use examples from a different website then.

Still curious about the RPi tag in your topic though.
