Video Stream Widget

A voice recognition will rock:slight_smile:

The RPi camera :grinning:

+1 for raspberry pi cam I would be so happy for some way to get a video feed onto blynk even if it’s just a window within the blynk app that could display a video feed from a separate server like IP address 192.168.0 xxxx:8001 then have say a blynk joystick or buttons to control pan & tilt ( I have all this working via my web api but to have it working in blynk would be perfect.)

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I take it would be useless for Arduino only makers?

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From a bandwidth standpoint I feel like the ip address source would make the most sense (feeds/images don’t stream through Blynk servers). Maybe the programming could send ptz info, or what source displays under what circumstances (like different sources displayed when different motion sensors are tripped). But I’m definitely not well-versed on the video transport methods, codecs and protocols. They are quite varied!

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Arduino basically gets everything through Blynk via C++. The RPi has the capability to do more things but just doesn’t speak the language that’s been heavily established over the years, which is what Blynk runs off of.


Video would be cool but images/pics would be a good start.

Just want to say that I was able successfully setup streaming server and pass stream from my pc to mobile device via external server. However in order to make public streaming server still a lot of work should be done.


Simple RTSP stream. That would be the reason for me to start using Blynk.

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I support this type of widget as well (also raised it months ago). For me, all I really need is an IP camera stream pull that I can embed in my Blynk app. Small window to show my security cam(s).


I have a USB camera.
They are low priced.

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side stepping a bit, a web view widget with just a url setting and maybe a refresh interval could be used for streaming cams, would be extremely flexible, and could be used in an infinite number of ways…
a lot of cams have some form of embeddable web view, including most rpi webcam straming s/w (thinking on it, maybe it could have a filed to paste some html)

Yes, this is what we are doing right now. However it is not so simple as it may look like :slight_smile:.

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I am super anxious about this addition guys! Fingers crossed you can make this work. It would round out my garage door monitor / opener. My goal was to 1 be able to get alerts when the doors are left open on my phone and watch (this is done), and 2 be able to get a visual from my IP cam in my garage. (what you are working on).

You have a very very old version of the app. How can you see widgets through the dust? :slight_smile: )

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huh? :slight_smile: It was updated just recently.

On your screenshot Buttons are really old. ~6months :slight_smile:

Ah I follow now. That’s correct. I created that project a while back. I since merged it into a single app once I found out you added tabs. The new one has updated buttons. …and it has space for an ipcam view. hint hint :wink:

Hello any news about the development of the video steaming widget for raspberry?
It is already a very good app but, If this will be implimented it will be the killer app for development board

@AndySorriaux This is a very old topic. Much has already been done and the video widget has been available for some time now. Search this forum for recent topics about it for more info.