Use Sliders to control RGB led

                            Please help 

So here is my problem. I wrote a code on my arduino UNO that can change the color of my RGB led automatically. (Red, pink, yellow ,blue, magenta,green etc) it’s just like fading, it does this over and over

. now I want to be able to chose one color thanks to blynk sliders. But I don’t want to connect my node MCU directly to the RGB led. I want to connect it to my arduino uno and then use the Sliders values to control the color of my RGB led.

The thing is I connected the blynk sliders pins(respectively D1,D2 and D3) to A0 , A1 and A2 of my arduino uno in order to control the red pin(11), greenpin(10) and blue pin(9 ) : pmw pins

then I wrote in my code
{AnalogWrite(11, analogRead(A0));
My purpose is to use the blynk sliders as virtual potentiometers but it just doesn’t give me the right values. Right from the start without moving the sliders I get a blue light ) therefore I can never get the colors I want when moving the sliders.

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