Server-0.23.5.jar not starting

I explained above

did you read what i am typing?


Yes. And I gave you an answer of what you should do.

where can i find a tutorial ?
as me and many others knows nothing in java.

Here you can find many requests.

You just have outdated configs. That’s all. It is not related to java.

@Dmitriy @Pavel

More Help is needed

Continuing the discussion from Local Blynk Server Tutorial:

Continuing the discussion from Local Blynk Server Tutorial:

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WARNING: You should have password for certificate. Certificates without passwords are not accepted.

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -in server.key -out server.pem

can you tell us how to?

@Ze_Pico from memory it should ask you for a password as part of the process when you issue the command.

This was fixed and password is not required anymore. However in case of those instruction you should be promted with password.

Hi Costas

yes. but it don’t accept any entry. " only the enter key"

C:\My_Server>openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -in server.key -out server.pem
Enter Encryption Password:
Verifying - Enter Encryption Password:
Verify failure

can you try it for me.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: File does not contain valid private key: .\server_embedded.pem

is there a new server version?

Did you try what @Dmitriy said? Run it without the certs. If that works, you can go on to generating certificates. On Windows you may need to enter the full path and use different \ or / because the file system works differently from LInux.

From the image that i can see, you have labelled your server file-name wrong. last server 0.23.3 was with .jar extension. 0.23.5 is with “.joe” extension. First try changing the file name.

@shivasiddharth @wbadry

yes, I named it like this so it is not detected by my StartBlynkServer.cmd to use ver 0.23.3 last working server for me

use the latest server file from right click save as and remove the .txt extension

I guess you downloaded that file from my youtube video. Thanks for this post, I have now updated the file there also.

You need to have : 


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