[Question] LCD Widget Connections

I am trying to use Blynk’s LCD widget but can’t get how to do so.

I have an Arduino UNO with ESP8266-01 as the shield for Arduino.

I tried using the same with EspShield_SoftSer sketch and it worked flawlessly!

Now for the LCD thing, I have an 16x2 Standard LCD with 16 pin outs non i2c, What connections should I make with Arduino and which sketch should I use?


@farazappy do you need a physical LCD now you have Blynk’s virtual LCD on your Smartphone?

I always hated wiring up LCD’s as they require so many pins.

See http://www.instructables.com/id/Connecting-an-LCD-to-the-Arduino/?ALLSTEPS for LCD details. You then need to adapt the LCD example provided in the Arduino IDE to work with Blynk.

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I did the same wiring but how to configure LCD widget in Blynk app? And also which Sketch to use?

I mean to send data from my Blink app like lcd.print(0,1 “Hello World”); and it displays on my Physical LCD.

Is this possible?


Yes it is very possible.

As you are Uno with ESP you need Blynk’s softserial example.

The regular Arduino LCD example is:

// include the library code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);

void setup() {
  // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  // Print a message to the LCD.
  lcd.print("hello, world!");

void loop() {
  // set the cursor to column 0, line 1
  // (note: line 1 is the second row, since counting begins with 0):
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  // print the number of seconds since reset:
  lcd.print(millis() / 1000);

Make both sketches work separately and then combine them.

Depends what you are actually looking to do but you can for example add a button to Blynk that will then send text to your physical LCD depending on the state of the button.

Thanks! Will try that in some hours.

@farazappy Here is https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library/tree/master/examples/Widgets/LCD a bunch of LCD examples. Please read comments carefully. Also above examples for Ethernet, so be aware.


Thanks for replying will try those out as well!

@Dimtriy Also would like to suggest you guys to add a feature for IR LED’s which would be awesome!

@farazappy IR LED’s for phone that have IR capabilities, send high and low signals to an IR LED attached to an Arduino / ESP or something else?

Sending HIGH and LOW signals to an IR LED is surely already available.

@Costas No, but sending the hex code which make IR receiver works so that we can place an IR led at a suitable place in our room and send different sets of codes which activates the led for Television/Home Theatre/AC/etc.

Kind of using a single smartphone remote instead of multiple controllers!

That can be done already. You store the Hex code in your sketch and Blynk would call the relevant Hex based on whichever button you pressed in your dashboard. As you will know the number of different HEX codes is huge so not really something for Blynk to do, more an end user implementation.

@Costas yeah that can be done also! Cool!

Hello, is it possible for the LCD widget display the same thing with the Physical LCD? Can you show some example to do it and how the connection?

@Aizat_Nazih The Widget LCD doesn’t require connections like a real one (obviously).

It is also not capable of graphics, just text and numbers, pretty much anything ASCII I believe.

And sending information to it is as simple as shown in the >documents<:

WidgetLCD lcd(V1);  In app, also assign virtual pin V1 to the Widget LCD in advanced mode.
lcd.clear();  //  Clear the LCD Widget screen
lcd.print(4, 0, "Hello");  // print Hello on the 1st line, starting at the 4th character in.
lcd.print(4, 1, "World");  // print World on the 2st line, starting at the 4th character in.

Thanks for that response. How about the Physical LCD display? the example only for LCD widget. i want to make for both physical lcd and lcd widget display at same time

Controlling any physical LCD is not a Blynk specific task… just follow the parameters of whatever LCD libraries work with your brand of LCD.

Thankss @Gunner

Hey bro did u try and get it to hardware lcd and i am too trying .

Is there any example for Wifi (nodemcu)

@krishnan As I have already stated.