Newbie: I've no idea on how to program the blynk app works together with Arduino IDE language

I have an IoT project to program the dc motor, servo motor and ultrasonic sensor by using esp8266 Nodemcu and Blynk app. I am blur when writing the program. Can someone guide me on how to start with it?
condition needed:
when the hardware is switched on, the blynk app can control its power, if the virtual button in blynk is on, blynk app will be working on it while if the virtual button is off, the hardware will do the work according to the condition:
dc motor will keep running, servo motor acts as moving vehicle and ultrasonic will sense the obstacles and avoid obstacles.
Please help me :pensive:

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I would say watch a bunch of YouTube videos, and read stuff on the internet, on how to program an Arduino. Start with the basics. Once you understand the simple stuff, then learn about how to incorporate different types of sensors and controllers. In your case the ultrasonic sensor, servos, and DC motors. Then work on getting them to work together. Once you can do that, look into BLYNK and how to convert “normal” Arduino programs into BLYNK friendly ones. Then attempt to incorporate it ALL together. When you get to that last step and our still struggling, re-visit this topic and post the code you have tried, but cannot get to work. We (the community) will then see if we can get you pointed in the correct direction.

thank you very much on your guidance :slight_smile:
i would try to convert it in my own 1st and then see the result :slight_smile:

you need to test examples and understand how blynk works before trying to install your sketch.
please have a look at the very good examples from my teatcher, @Gunner
you will find all you need

thank you for your information :blush: I would go through it. :grinning:

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Read this… then fix yours…

replace with a nodemcu 32, only 5$ :wink:

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